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Yennefer's Shocking Secret: The Witcher 3 Scene You'll Wish You Never Saw

Modders have unearthed a cut Witcher 3 scene that probably would have made you all hate Yennefer (Via:

Image via: - Modders have unearthed a cut Witcher 3 scene that probably would have made you all hate Yennefer

Uncovering a Lost Scene in The Witcher 3: Yennefer's Shocking Betrayal

A surprising cut scene from The Witcher 3 has been discovered, revealing that fan-favorite Yennefer would betray the Lodge of Sorceresses.

The Discovery

In May, CD Projekt Red released its REDkit Mod Editor for The Witcher 3, empowering gamers with new modding capabilities for the nine-year-old game. Thanks to this toolset, modders uncovered a scene previously cut from the game. PC Gamer reports that the cut scene details what the original game did not address: the fate of the Lodge of Sorceresses at the end.

The Missing Scene

In the game, after Geralt defeats Eredin, Avallac'h takes Ciri to the tower on Undvik to defeat the White Frost, events that happen no matter your chosen ending. The newly found scene with Yennefer would have occurred between Geralt's fight with Eredin and the final moments with Ciri at the tower. This scene, while not altering the major plot points, sheds light on what could have happened to the Lodge of Sorceresses.

Watch the Uncovered Scene

The scene isn't finished, but you can watch the video from xLetalis, the modder who found it, to see how Yennefer's betrayal might have played out. Spoilers for the end of the game are ahead, so proceed with caution.

For a detailed look, read the original article.

Unearthing Yennefer's Scandalous Betrayal in Witcher 3: A Commentary

When a beloved game like The Witcher 3 keeps us talking even years after its release, it says a lot about the depth and complexity of its world. Recently, an unearthed cut scene has fans buzzing again. This scene, surprisingly, would have shown Yennefer betraying the Lodge of Sorceresses. Whoa, didn't see that coming, did we?

The Discovery of a Lost Scene

Thanks to the REDkit Mod Editor released by CD Projekt Red in May, we can dive deeper into the intricate world of The Witcher 3. Some dedicated modders discovered this hidden gem and shared it with the community. The details of this scene provide a glimpse into an alternate storyline that the developers initially decided not to include. Hats off to the intrepid gamers who dig into the game code to bring these lost treasures to light!

Yennefer and the Lodge: A Power Play

The idea of Yennefer betraying the Lodge of Sorceresses adds a layer of intrigue and complexity to her character. If you've followed the series, you'd know Yennefer is a character driven by profound depths of emotion and ambition. Yet, betrayal wasn’t something I, or many fans, would have associated with her.

Why Was This Scene Cut?

Makes you wonder, doesn't it? This scene would have taken place between Geralt's showdown with Eredin and Ciri's final standoff at the tower on Undvik. The developers must have had a rationale for cutting it out. Maybe they felt it distracted from the game's central narrative? Or perhaps it complicated Yennefer's character arc in ways they weren't ready to explore. Either way, its discovery offers a tantalizing "what if" that fans can now ponder.

The Wider Implications for Modding

The release of the REDkit Mod Editor doesn't just unearth hidden scenes; it opens the door for an array of creative possibilities. Modders can add new quests, characters, and even rewrite endings. Imagine customizing Geralt’s journey in ways we haven't even thought of yet. The modding community breathes new life into games long after we've seen the credits roll.

Community Reaction: Shock and Awe

Hardcore fans are in a whirlwind of emotions. Finding out Yennefer might have betrayed the Lodge is like dropping a bombshell at a family dinner. Some are thrilled by the darker twist, while others feel a sense of relief that it was left out. After all, our perception of Yennefer might have taken a huge hit, and not necessarily in a good way.

Final Thoughts

The lost scene revealing Yennefer's potential betrayal serves as a reminder of the rich narratives and hard choices that make The Witcher 3 unforgettable. While we'll never see this drama unfold in the original game, this discovery keeps the conversation going. And hey, isn't that what great stories are all about?

Further Reading

Curious to see the uncovered scene? Check out this link to delve deeper.

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