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Wide-Screen Wonderland: A Dive into Gaming Monitors

Should you bother with... ultrawide gaming monitors? (Via:

Image via: - Should you bother with... ultrawide gaming monitors?


Should You Consider Ultrawide Gaming Monitors?

Ultrawide gaming monitors have been around for years, yet they haven't become the standard choice for gamers. Most folks still prefer the regular 16:9 aspect ratio monitors for their gaming setups. But if these ultrawide screens have been available and are being purchased, what's the hold-up on more gamers switching over?

Interested in diving deeper into this juicy subject? Check out the full article over at Rock Paper Shotgun.

Original article by Rock Paper Shotgun: Should You Bother With Ultrawide Gaming Monitors?


McScratchey's Thoughts

Ultrawide Gaming Monitors: Should You Make the Switch?

Picture this: You’ve been staring at your monitor, contemplating an upgrade. The juicy subject of ultrawide gaming monitors has crossed your mind. These monitors are larger than life and offer an immersive gaming experience. But the big question remains – should you bother switching?

The Longevity of Ultrawide Monitors

Ultrawide monitors have been around for a good while. They haven't faded into the abyss of forgotten tech, but they haven’t become mainstream either. Regular 16:9 widescreen monitors remain the default for most users. So, why consider the switch?

Why Switch to Ultrawide?

There are some seriously compelling reasons:

However, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Not all games or content support the ultrawide aspect ratio. This can result in black bars on the sides or a stretched image. It’s also worth noting that these monitors are generally pricier than their 16:9 counterparts.

Want more insights? Dive deeper into the debate in the full article on Rock Paper Shotgun.

In conclusion, the decision to switch to an ultrawide monitor hinges on your priorities. If you’re all about that immersive display and don’t mind spending a bit more, why not give it a shot? But if you’re satisfied with what you have, sticking with a traditional widescreen could be the way to go.

Final Thoughts

Monitors are a significant part of your gaming setup. Weigh the pros and cons carefully. Whether you switch or not, make sure your choice enhances your gaming experience. Happy gaming!

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