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Why I'm No Longer Losing Sleep Over the Future Champion of Shadow of the Erdtree

I pitied Shadow of the Erdtree's future 'Let Me Solo Her' champion, but seeing how the Elden Ring community's handled business, I'm not so worried anymore (Via:

Image via: - I pitied Shadow of the Erdtree's future 'Let Me Solo Her' champion, but seeing how the Elden Ring community's handled business, I'm not so worried anymore

The Kids Are Alright: Elden Ring Community Handles Business

Elden Ring may seem like a world where chaos reigns, but the community has proven it can handle anything thrown at it. Worried about "Shadow of the Erdtree's" future? Not anymore.

Let Me Solo Her: Champion of the People

Let's get one thing straight. A hero named "Let Me Solo Her" emerged from the thickets, and boy, did they make a splash! This champion has been taking down bosses solo, showing us all the might and resilience the Elden Ring community possesses.

From Pity to Pride

The upcoming DLC Shadow of the Erdtree had some fans biting their nails, concerned about its future. But the remarkable attitudes and efforts shown by players have put those doubts to rest. Whether it's through epic boss battles or sharing sage advice, the community rallies together like a well-coordinated dance.

Community Spirit Shines

Beyond the battles, the sense of camaraderie is palpable. Players lift one another, whether via in-game support or sharing laughs and frustrations on forums. It's a thriving, vibrant scene, reminiscent of the best adventures.

More than Just a Game

Elden Ring isn't just about slaying monsters and claiming victory; it's about forming bonds, learning, and growing together. Fans aren't just waiting for the next challenge—they're prepping, strategizing, and ready to tackle it head-on.

Bring It On!

So, bring on the Shadow of the Erdtree. If the past is anything to go by, the Elden Ring community is more than prepared to face whatever comes next.

The Kids are Alright

I stumbled upon an article that simply states, "The kids are alright." At first glance, it may seem like a casual throwaway line, but boy, does it pack a wallop of truth. It’s a phrase that’s been thrown around for decades, but I think we’ve underestimated just how true it rings today.

The Resilience of the Younger Generation

Grit and Determination

Have you seen the sheer grit and determination of today’s youth? Seriously, these kids are stepping up in ways we never imagined. Whether it's tackling climate change, fighting for social justice, or navigating a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, they are proving to be more resilient and adaptable than many of us old-timers.

Climate Action Beacons

Look no further than Fridays for Future and young activists like Greta Thunberg. They are out here making waves and holding leaders accountable. It's like they’ve decided: if the adults won’t act, they will. And honestly, it's working. 🌍

Social Justice Warriors

The drive for social justice is another arena where today’s youth shine. Movements such as Black Lives Matter have seen overwhelming support from younger demographics. They are not just tweeting about injustices; they are out there marching, protesting, and calling for change.

Digital Natives: Masters of the Technological Universe

Tech-Savvy and Social Media Sages

The term digital natives fits them like a glove. Born into a world dominated by technology, they are masters of the interwebs, influencers without even trying, and coding prodigies. From YouTube to TikTok, they’ve turned personal branding into an art form.

Making a Mark with Content

And let’s not forget how they’re utilizing platforms like TikTok not just for memes but for meaningful content. They’re educating one another, sharing knowledge, and even holding mini-history classes. Who knew TikTok could be such a powerful educational tool?

Mental Health: No Longer a Taboo

Breaking the Silence

This new generation is also breaking the stigma surrounding mental health. Unlike previous generations that swept such issues under the rug, today’s youth are unabashedly speaking out about their struggles. They recognize that asking for help is not a weakness but a strength.

Resources and Support Systems

The amount of mental health resources available now is mind-blowing. Websites like GoodTherapy and apps like Headspace are just a tap away. These young folks are leveraging these resources to foster a community of support and acceptance.


So, yeah, the kids are more than just alright—they're kicking ass and taking names. From blazing new trails in activism to mastering the digital world and normalizing mental health conversations, they’re proving to be the formidable force we need for a better future. And perhaps, just maybe, we could learn a thing or two from them.

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