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Why Everyone Needs to Chill About Days Gone 2 - Here's the Deal

Stop asking Bend Studio if Days Gone 2 is happening, because it isn't: "Time to move on" (Via:

Image via: - Stop asking Bend Studio if Days Gone 2 is happening, because it isn't: "Time to move on"

No Days Gone 2: Bend Studio Confirms No Sequel in the Works

No matter how much fans clamor for it, Days Gone 2 isn't happening, and Bend Studio wishes people would stop asking about it.

Days Gone: A Controversial Hit

Days Gone was intended to be one of Sony's marquee single-player games, taking a prime spot in an E3 showcase. Despite its commercial performance being likened to Ghost of Tsushima, it was perceived as a lackluster effort internally. Critically, the game had a generally positive reception but didn't achieve the high acclaim that many first-party Sony titles receive.

The PC Lifeline and Fandom

Even though it got a PC release and garnered a loyal fanbase envisioning a sequel, Bend Studio's community manager Kevin McAllister has crushed any hopes for Days Gone 2. He apologized for any misinformation and stated, "We are currently working on a new IP, and when we have actual news to share it will come from our studio."

The Trilogy That Never Was

McAllister's comments seem to address a tweet from Days Gone writer John Garvin, which mentioned the original intention was for the game to spawn a trilogy. This has added to the speculations but has now been officially put to rest.

For more details, read the original article.

Days Gone 2: Why The Sequel Isn’t Happening

So, you've heard the news: Days Gone 2 isn't happening. Yeah, it's a tough pill to swallow, especially for those of us who invested countless hours dodging Freakers and exploring the post-apocalyptic landscapes. But here's the kicker: Bend Studio wants us to stop asking about it.

What Went Wrong?

Days Gone was intended to be one of Sony's iconic single-player experiences. It even snagged the final spot in an E3 showcase, a position usually reserved for the heavy hitters. Yet, despite having sold as well as "Ghost of Tsushima," the game was portrayed by management as somewhat disappointing. Why? Well, the reviews were mostly positive, but it didn't achieve the glowing accolades other first-party Sony titles tend to receive.

Behind The Scenes Drama

From the director's perspective, the game matched the sales of "Ghost of Tsushima," yet it felt like a disappointment due to internal politics. This is a classic case where company dynamics can overshadow actual performance. What made it all the more complicated is that there is a dedicated fan base clamoring for a sequel.

No Sequel

Bend Studio's community manager, Kevin McAllister, recently responded to the ongoing rumors and speculation about a sequel. He apologized for the misinformation spreading online, addressing it directly on his social media platforms. He stated that the studio is working on a new IP and will share more details when the time is right.

False Hopes and Reality Checks

John Garvin, Days Gone's writer, added fuel to the fire by revealing that the original plan included a trilogy. This revelation left many fans hopeful, only to have their expectations dashed by McAllister’s comments. It feels kind of like when you hear your favorite band might be reuniting, only to have the rumors dismissed.

What's Next for Bend Studio?

Given this new information, it's time to shift our focus. Bend Studio is clearly onto something new and exciting. While it's understandable to be bummed about no Days Gone 2, it's also an opportunity to look forward to what fresh adventures the studio is cooking up. New IPs often bring innovative ideas and rejuvenate creative energies within a studio.

Why We Should Care About New IPs

New Intellectual Properties (IPs) represent innovation and risk-taking. They push boundaries and bring fresh gameplay experiences to the table. While sequels are great for refining and building on existing ideas, new IPs can redefine genres and create new fan bases.

The Bigger Picture

Ultimately, it's about the evolution of the gaming industry. Studios like Bend need the freedom to explore and innovate to keep the industry vibrant and exciting. So, let's cut them some slack and give them the space they need to make something groundbreaking.

Stay tuned for more updates and keep those fingers crossed. You never know, Bend Studio's next project might just blow our minds and make us forget all about Days Gone 2.

For the full scoop, check out the original article here.

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