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When the Big Boys Won't Play, the Underdogs Step Up: Check This Out!

Former NBA Street devs are looking to do what EA won't - new studio to make spiritual successor to fan favourite (Via:

Image via: - Former NBA Street devs are looking to do what EA won't - new studio to make spiritual successor to fan favourite

Former NBA Street Developers Launch New Studio and Game

Former EA developers behind NBA Street have formed their own studio to create a new basketball game, "The Run: Got Next."

Introducing The Run: Got Next

Ex-NBA Street developers have branched out from EA to create a new studio, Play by Play Studios, and announced a spiritual successor to the beloved basketball game. Aiming for a 2025 release, "The Run: Got Next" will hit Steam, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

The Vision and the Legacy

In an interview with IGN, co-founder Mike Young, who also served as creative director for Madden, explained the team's passion for NBA Street and the challenges of developing a similar game within a major company like EA. Young noted, "There was a lot of us that worked on NBA Street that always wanted to bring it back."

Evolution Over Nostalgia

Young addressed the pitfalls of merely playing on nostalgia, which can result in games that lack staying power. Reflecting on past attempts like Tiburon Studio's revival of NFL Blitz, he mentioned these games often don't evolve enough and fail to capture a long-term audience.

What's Next for The Run: Got Next?

The development team at Play by Play Studios is set on creating an engaging and modern basketball experience that pays homage to its roots while charting new digital courts.


Breaking Free: The Rebirth of Street Basketball in Video Games

There's something so electrifying about the unexpected. When former NBA Street developers decided to part ways with EA to create their own studio, it was a move that resonated with fans who had long yearned for a modern-day street basketball experience. Their new creation, The Run: Got Next, promises to rekindle that spark in 2025, and I couldn't be more hyped.

The Nostalgia Factor

NBA Street was more than just a game; it was a cultural phenomenon. The fast-paced, high-flying action, coupled with an urban aesthetic, made it a favorite. But as Mike Young pointed out, nostalgia can be a double-edged sword. While it brings people back, it often struggles to stay relevant. This new project by Play by Play Studios will need to strike a balance between embracing the legacy and innovating for the future.

The Challenges of Breaking Away

Leaving behind a behemoth like EA can't be easy, but the potential for creative freedom must be exhilarating for Young and his team. His comment about the resources being tied up in gigantic franchises like Madden and NBA Live is spot on. These titles dominate so much of the market that smaller, innovative projects often get overshadowed or overlooked.

The decision to carve out their own space in the video game world is bold and has the potential to redefine how sports video games are created. Gamers have seen what happens when smaller titles try to ride on nostalgia—sometimes they pop, but often they fizzle out. The key is evolution, not mere replication.

Innovating for Longevity

You can't survive in the cutthroat gaming industry without evolving. Young mentions that past nostalgia plays lacked the staying power. That resonates so much. It's like bringing back an old TV show without updating the script—sure, it'll catch attention initially, but it won’t hold it.

Why The Run: Got Next is Different

From what we can gather, The Run: Got Next is being developed using Unreal Engine 5. That right there is a game-changer. Imagine the visually stunning graphics combined with the fast-paced gameplay NBA Street was known for. If the team can pull this off, they’ll capture both the hearts of nostalgic fans and the interest of modern gamers.

What the Future Holds

While there's still a long wait until 2025, the commitment and excitement behind this new project are already palpable. The Run: Got Next has enormous potential to reignite the spark of street basketball games. Here's to hoping it lives up to the hype and then some!

In the meantime, I’ll keep my fingers crossed and my Eye on the prize. If you're as stoked as I am, make sure to follow Play by Play Studios and keep up with the latest updates.


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