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What’s Next After Marvel’s What If...?: Why Season 3 Is the Finale We Didn’t See Coming

Don't expect any more Marvel's What If...? after season 3, as a studio exec calls it "the completion of a trilogy" (Via:

Image via: - Don't expect any more Marvel's What If...? after season 3, as a studio exec calls it "the completion of a trilogy"

Marvel's What If...? to Conclude After Three Dynamic Seasons

Marvel's What If...? is set to wrap up with its third season, bringing an end to its intriguing journey through the multiverse.

An Adventurous Ride Through the Multiverse

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been experimenting with the concept of the multiverse, and What If...? has played a key role in this endeavor. This Disney+ series has provided a playful twist on familiar stories, exploring alternate scenarios across different universes. Despite these exciting divergences, the storylines haven’t heavily impacted the broader MCU.

The Impact Beyond Fun Scenarios

While What If...? has mostly been a fun side project, it did have some significant moments, such as introducing Captain Carter before her live-action debut. Still, its primary charm was its imaginative "what if" questions rather than contributing to MCU’s main narrative.

The Trilogy's Grand Finale

In a recent episode of the Official Marvel Podcast, Marvel's head of streaming, television, and animation, Brad Winderbaum, confirmed that season three will be the last.

"[What If...? season 3] feels like the completion of a trilogy," Winderbaum remarked. He hinted at unexpected places and characters, promising a moving and fulfilling conclusion, especially for the enigmatic Watcher, a beloved comic character.

A Commentary on Marvel's What If...? Series Conclusion

Marvel fans, brace yourselves! It looks like Marvel's trippy and mind-bending journey, What If...?, is sprinting toward the finish line after its third season. Guess we won't be time-traveling through the multiverse for much longer.

The Grand Adventure in the Multiverse

Oh, Marvel Cinematic Universe, you never fail to keep us on our toes. What If...?, the series that flips the script and explores the road not taken, serves up wild scenarios in the Marvel multiverse. But, real talk, does anything in this show really impact the broader MCU? Not really. Well, aside from giving us the epic Captain Carter moment before she hit live-action. It’s like fan fiction—awesome, but not canon. Unfortunately, all that is set to wrap up after three electrifying seasons.

Season 3: The Culmination of an Epic Journey

Brad Winderbaum, Marvel's top guy for streaming, TV, and animation, spilled some juicy deets on the Official Marvel Podcast. He said season 3 will "complete the trilogy" with plotlines that dive deeper and go places fans would never expect. Oh, and it gives special love to the Watcher. Finally, we might get some closure with our cosmic observer buddy who’s been our tour guide through these visual delights.

The Watcher: Our Trusty Cosmic Guide

Let's get real; the Watcher has been the star of this show. Fans have a special spot in their hearts for this all-seeing entity from the comics. Even though he is just a cosmic voyeur, his mysterious vibe has been a major hook. 🎥 Now, according to Winderbaum, the Watcher's arc will find "an extremely moving and fulfilling culmination." Count me in for some emo moments, Marvel; bring on the tissues. 😢

What Does It Mean for the MCU?

So, where does this leave us in the Grand Scheme of the MCU? With the series ending, it seems Marvel will focus more on its tentpole films and shows for multiverse events. Up next, we have Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars to look forward to, along with other interconnected goodies. What If...? served as a sandbox for wild ideas and "what if" twists, but now it's time to rally behind the big guns in the MCU.

Wrapping Things Up

To sum it all up, this journey through Marvel's many "what ifs" has been a rollercoaster of emotions and surprises. As we gear up for the climax in season 3, I’m excited to see how Marvel weaves together these alternate tales for a final hurrah. We might not need to ask "What If...?" anymore, but the ripples of this series will surely be felt by fans who dared to dream different.


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