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Wait, People Still Spend Money on That Old Street Fighter Movie?!

The 1994 Street Fighter Movie Is Still Making Money 30 Years Later (Via:

Image via: - The 1994 Street Fighter Movie Is Still Making Money 30 Years Later

Street Fighter Film Still Rakes in Millions for Capcom

Street Fighter Movie: Still Profitable After All These Years

Remember the live-action Street Fighter film from 1994? Turns out, in 2024, it's still a goldmine for Capcom, generating “tens of millions of yen” yearly, as revealed in a recent shareholder's meeting. Talk about longevity! 💵💥

For more juicy details, check out the original article.

GamerGurl's Impressions

Street Fighter Movie Still Earning Big Bucks

Street Fighter Movie Still Earning Big Bucks

Do you remember the live-action Street Fighter film from 1994? Well, in 2024 the film is still making Capcom “tens of millions of yen” every year according to data from a recent shareholder’s meeting.

Shocking but True!

Alright, gamers and movie buffs, let's get real here. The fact that the notoriously cheesy Street Fighter film from 1994 is still bringing in “tens of millions of yen” each year is mind-blowing. 😲 Who knew that a film often remembered for its campy one-liners and outlandish fight scenes could have such long-lasting financial legs?

Nostalgia Sells

Nostalgia is a powerful beast. It can turn even the most critically panned movies into cult classics. For many, the 90's live-action Street Fighter isn’t just a film; it’s a trip down memory lane—whether it's Raul Julia's unforgettable performance as M. Bison or Jean-Claude Van Damme's take on Guile.

Want to revel in some more 90’s throwbacks? Check out this list of other movies that have stood the test of time.

The Curious Case of Long-Term Profit

The real question is: how is it still making so much money? The answer probably lies in a mix of streaming deals, ongoing DVD/Blu-ray sales, and maybe even a sprinkle of good old-fashioned fan loyalty. Capcom has a knack for maintaining their IP's relevance, keeping their characters alive not just in games but in merchandising as well.

A Lesson for Game Adaptations

Okay, so while the movie isn't winning any Oscars, it shows that adapting games to movies can pay off in the long run. Sure, there's a lot more finesse in video game adaptations now, but the Street Fighter film stumbled so movies like Sonic the Hedgehog could run (and fast 🦔!).

For those interested in why video game movies are getting better, take a look at this take on modern adaptations.

Final Thoughts

So, if you’ve got an old copy of Street Fighter gathering dust, pop it in and give it another watch. It's a relic from a different era but still an entertaining one. Plus, keeping it in rotation helps Capcom keep raking in the yen. Who’d have thought that a film with so bad it's good vibes could still be a cash cow decades later?

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