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Two Decades in the Making: The Epic Return of a Pirate Legend

Captain Blood, a hack-and-slash pirate game revealed in 2004, will finally release in 2024 (Via:

Image via: - Captain Blood, a hack-and-slash pirate game revealed in 2004, will finally release in 2024

Captain Blood, an action game first announced in 2004 by developer 1C SeaWolf, is set for a grand comeback. Based on Rafael Sabatini's adventure novels, it tells the tale of a 17th-century pirate crew on a mission to rescue a magistrate’s daughter. Originally envisioned as a spirited 3D hack-and-slash game, early footage showcased thrilling elements of pirate life, from intense sword fights to nautical battles.

History of the Game

In 2008, Jim Rossignol expressed cautious enthusiasm for Captain Blood when he experienced it firsthand. Highlighting its engaging arcade-style boat violence and quick-paced galleon confrontations, he found it promising but wasn't expecting a masterpiece. Unfortunately, the game faced various publishing issues, leading to its eventual shelving after a final preview in 2010.

Resurrection and Future Release

Good news for fans of the genre: the game has been revived by Seawolf Studio, General Arcade, and publisher SNEG Ltd. Captain Blood is now scheduled to release on PC later this year, bringing the long-awaited adventure back to life.

For more detailed information, visit the original article on Rock Paper Shotgun.

McScratchey's Thoughts

The Unforgettable Voyage of Captain Blood (Finally!)

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round and pour yourself a tankard of grog, because I've got a tale that's been 20 years in the telling. Captain Blood, the swashbuckling action game originally announced in 2004, is finally set to release in 2024. And let me tell you, I feel like a kid who just found a long-lost toy chest buried in the backyard.

The Announcement – 2004

Let's rewind to 2004. This was the year when I, foolishly thinking I could swat away my love for video games like an annoying mosquito, decided to focus solely on university studies. Little did I know, 1C SeaWolf was planning a pirate adventure that would haunt my dreams for the next two decades. Captain Blood promised to be a rollicking 3D hack-and-slash, complete with sword fights and sea battles. Based loosely on Rafael Sabatini's novels, it envisioned a daring mission to rescue a magistrate's daughter from nefarious sea brigands. Talk about a textbook definition of swashbuckling fun!

Jim Rossignol's Take – 2008

Fast forward to 2008. Renowned game journalist, Jim Rossignol, dipped his toes in the treacherous waters of Captain Blood. His early review was cautiously positive, praising the boat combat and the overall pirate-y vibe while withholding high expectations for a masterpiece. Honestly, it seemed like the kind of game you'd play with one eye on the horizon, fearing either a magnificent treasure or a dastardly reef.

The Great Disappearance – 2010

But then, tragedy struck. In 2010, Captain Blood's voyage came to a sudden halt due to some vague publishing disputes, causing it to vanish like the infamous ghost ship Flying Dutchman. For many of us, it felt like a part of our gaming hearts had set sail into the sunset, never to return. I remember looking at my dusty copy of "Prince of Persia" and feeling a pang of what-could-have-been.

Rising from the Depths – 2024

But fear not, ye landlubbers! In a plot twist worthy of a pirate legend, Captain Blood is making a comeback. Thanks to the hardworking swashbucklers at Seawolf Studio, General Arcade, and SNEG Ltd., this long-lost treasure will finally see the light of day on PC later this year. I can already almost taste the salt in the air and hear the clashing of cutlasses!

All hands on deck, friends. Captain Blood is ready to chart a course into our gaming libraries and hearts again. And you can bet I'll be first in line, ready to join the crew and relive the golden age of piracy. Anchors aweigh!

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