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The Real Muse Behind ZZ Zero: Prepare to be Digi-mindblown! 💥

Think Zenless Zone Zero was inspired by Persona 5? Think again - one of the biggest influences was Digimon (Via:

Image via: - Think Zenless Zone Zero was inspired by Persona 5? Think again - one of the biggest influences was Digimon

Zenless Zone Zero: More Digimon, Less Persona

Zenless Zone Zero may look like it took a page out of Persona 5's playbook with its urban fantasy vibes, but producer Zhenyu Li is setting the record straight: Digimon is the real MVP here.

Urban Fantasy with a Twist

Fans have been quick to draw Persona parallels, but Li clarifies this was more coincidence than intent: "We happened to choose the urban genre, and for some players, they might just find urban genres similar." He promises, though, that there are "a lot of differences if you go deeper into the game."

Digimon Love

Li candidly admits his childhood love for Digimon had a massive influence on Zenless Zone Zero's development. One standout feature inspired by Digimon World is the game's temporal system: "[In] our temporal system, you will meet different incidents in different times [of the in-game day]." Digimon fans, rejoice!

For the full scoop, don't miss the original article.

GamerGurl's Impressions

Zenless Zone Zero: More "Digimon" Than "Persona 5"?

Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ) has been making waves, and it's not just because of its sleek anime-inspired visuals. Producer Zhenyu Li dropped a bomb when he revealed that Digimon was a bigger muse for ZZZ compared to Persona 5. Now, if you're thinking, "Wait, what? 🤯," you're not alone.

Not Your Typical Urban Fantasy

Let's set the record straight. Sure, ZZZ might wear some urban fantasy clothes, but it's got a lot more going on under the hood. While some might quickly draw parallels to Persona 5 because of its urban aesthetic, Li suggests players need to dig deeper. He mentions that the differences between the two games become clear once you peek beneath the surface.

What really stands out is the influence of Digimon. It's like comparing apples to, well, digital monsters. 🎮 During his interview, Li fondly reminisced about his childhood love for Digimon World. One of the ways this nostalgia translates into ZZZ is through its temporal system; events change depending on the in-game time, which might remind veteran gamers of their Digi-adventures. 🌟

The Temporal System: A Game Changer

It's kinda genius, really. Think about how the temporal system can add layers of complexity to gameplay. Imagine having to tackle challenges that vary depending on the time of day. Morning battles could feel totally different from those late-night skirmishes. 🌙 It's a mechanic that keeps players on their toes and adds a fresh spin on the gaming experience.

Nostalgia Meets Innovation

Li’s nostalgic nod to Digimon isn't just about creating a retro vibe. It's a fusion of past inspirations with modern gameplay innovations. And TBH, isn’t that what makes gaming so exciting? It’s like getting the best of both worlds.

Clearly, Zenless Zone Zero is shaping up to be more than just another urban fantasy game. It's a love letter to the Digimon franchise, wrapped up in a sleek, modern package. So, if you were initially here for the Persona vibes but stayed for the Digimon feels, you're in for a treat! 😍

For those who want to dive deeper into the game's influences and mechanics, check out this read.

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