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Surprising Twist: You’ll Need a PSN Account for Cross-Play on PC for This Game!

Yes, Concord will require you to have a PSN account on PC because cross play and progression are an "important piece" of the game (Via:

Image via: - Yes, Concord will require you to have a PSN account on PC because cross play and progression are an "important piece" of the game

Concord's PSN Account Requirement for PC Draws Mixed Reactions

The upcoming hero shooter Concord will require PC players to connect a PlayStation Network (PSN) account, a move reminiscent of the controversial decision made with Helldivers 2.

Historical Background: Helldivers 2 Controversy

Back in May, Sony mandated that PC players of Helldivers 2 link a PSN account to their game, leading to widespread backlash. This resulted in a Steam review bombing and forced Sony to reverse the decision just days later. The timing was particularly poor as the requirement came months after the game's launch, upsetting many dedicated players.

The Decision for Concord

Despite the backlash from the Helldivers 2 community, Sony appears to be persisting with this strategy for Concord. According to Firewalk Studios, this requirement is essential to facilitate cross-play and cross-progression.

Reasons Behind the Requirement

Speaking to Eurogamer, Firewalk's director of IP, Kim Kreines, emphasized the importance of having cross-play functionality: "That allows us to have cross play, that cross progression, that's an important piece of it." Lead character designer Jon Weisnewski added, "The goal is for players to come together... for that cross-play and cross-progression to work, that's a layer that needs to be there - just on a technical level."

For more details, read the original article.

Concord's PSN Account Requirement: A Controversial Move in Gaming

There's been quite a buzz around Firewalk Studios' upcoming hero shooter, Concord, and not necessarily for all the right reasons. Like its predecessor Helldivers 2, Concord will require PC players to link a PlayStation Network (PSN) account. While such a requirement seemed innocuous at first glance, it has indeed stirred a pot of hot debate within the gaming community.

Déjà Vu: Lessons Unlearned from Helldivers 2

Remember when Sony tried a similar stunt with Helldivers 2? 🎮 That didn't go down well with players, leading to a massive backlash and widespread review bombing on Steam. Sony eventually walked back on the requirement, yet here we are again with Concord seemingly set to face the same fate.

Why the PSN Account Requirement?

Firewalk Studios' team, including Director of IP Kim Kreines and Lead Character Designer Jon Weisnewski, justified the mandatory PSN link as essential for cross-play and cross-progression. These features have undoubtedly become staples in the modern multiplayer gaming experience. Connecting players from different platforms into a single ecosystem is an intriguing concept, but does it really justify the barrier-risk it introduces?

Cross-Play and Cross-Progression: The Dream

A United Gaming Community

Unified gameplay environments across consoles and PCs seem like the ultimate gamer dream 🌟. The potential for increased player base cohesion is irresistible, allowing me to effortlessly game with friends regardless of our chosen platforms. The promise of shared progression and rewards across all devices adds an entirely new layer of commitment and continuity.

The Reality Check

But let's be real - not everything is rainbows and sunshine. Many players are skeptical, reflecting past experiences where similar requirements acted as more of a hurdle than a bridge. Imagine having to create and manage yet another account or dealing with potential account security issues. Worse, what if technical snags make logging in more of a chore than it's worth?

A Better Approach?

Sony’s initial misstep with Helldivers 2 should've served as a learning opportunity. Instead of enforcing mandatory requirements, a more player-friendly approach could lie in making such features optional. Allow gamers the choice to benefit from cross-play and cross-progression without feeling locked into a particular platform's ecosystem.

In an era where gamers expect flexibility and seamless integration, perhaps the most successful model would be one that caters to the diverse preferences of its audience. This means allowing for a cross-platform experience but without turning it into a compulsory gatekeeper to the game.


The debate over PSN account linking in Concord points to a larger question within the gaming industry: How much control should platform providers have over the player experience? While the benefits of cross-play and cross-progression are undeniable, they shouldn't come at the cost of player autonomy and convenience. It'll be interesting to see if Firewalk Studios takes player feedback into account or if history will repeat itself. What do you think? 🤔 Are you in favor of mandatory account linking for broader gaming access, or do you believe it undermines the player experience?

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