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So, Whatever Happened to That Pokemon Company Investigation into Palworld?

Remember The Pokemon Company saying it was going to investigate Palworld? It seems nothing's come of that yet (Via:

Image via: - Remember The Pokemon Company saying it was going to investigate Palworld? It seems nothing's come of that yet

Palworld and Pokemon Legal Dispute

Palworld vs Pokemon: The Legal Saga Continues

Plenty of armchair lawyers and even some actual lawyers believed that Palworld would face legal action from Pokémon and Nintendo due to perceived similarities between its creatures, known as 'pals,' and Pokémon. Despite this, PocketPair's CEO suggests the studio hasn't received any formal legal notices from Nintendo or The Pokémon Company.

Initial Allegations

When Palworld surged in popularity back in January, it faced allegations that some of its creature models were near replicas of existing Pokémon. This even led to a statement from The Pokémon Company, which claimed it would investigate and take necessary actions regarding any potential IP infringements.

Current Status

In a recent interview with Game File, PocketPair CEO Takuro Mizobe mentioned that, to date, there hasn't been any formal communication or legal action from Nintendo or The Pokémon Company regarding Palworld allegedly infringing on Pokémon's intellectual property.

For more details, check out the original article.

McScratchey's Thoughts

The Curious Case of Palworld and Pokemon

Palworld, the notorious Pokemon-lookalike, has been under the microscope lately. There's been much chatter about whether this game is a clever homage or just too close for comfort. PocketPair's CEO, Takuro Mizobe, recently addressed the lack of any formal legal action, despite the game's uncanny resemblance to Pokemon.

Legal Limbo: What's Happening?

To catch you up, Palworld surged in popularity back in January. With this surge came allegations that its creature models were almost identical to established Pokemon. The Pokemon Company wasn’t too pleased and released a statement saying they’d investigate and handle any potential copyright infringements.

Interestingly, Mizobe revealed in a Game File interview that neither Nintendo nor The Pokemon Company has taken concrete legal steps so far. This revelation might surprise some, given how protective these companies typically are about their intellectual property. 🕵️‍♂️

Why No Lawsuit Yet?

The absence of legal action could be due to several reasons. One possibility is that the Pokemon Company is biding its time, gathering more evidence before making a move. Legal battles can be costly and time-consuming, so they might be considering if it’s worth the trouble.

Another aspect to ponder is whether The Pokemon Company sees Palworld as more of an inspiration than a rip-off. Legal gray areas can be tricky to navigate, especially when it comes to similar but distinct creative works. 🌈

The Bigger Picture

Video games often draw inspiration from each other. Some iconic games owe their success to predecessors that paved the way. This situation poses an interesting question: where do we draw the line between inspiration and imitation? 🤔

Games like Palworld could spark a larger conversation around creative freedom versus intellectual property rights. It's a balancing act that continuously shapes the gaming industry.


While Palworld tiptoes the line of inspiration and imitation, its future hangs in the balance. Will The Pokemon Company take legal action, or will Palworld continue its journey unscathed? Only time will tell. Meanwhile, gamers and developers alike should keep an eye on this unfolding drama. 🕹️

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