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So, they're charging us for this too? Developer talks moolah and mandatory PSN accounts

Concord developer discusses monetisation, PSN account requirement (Via:

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Concord Developer Talks Monetisation and PSN Requirement

The brains behind Concord, Sony's upcoming PlayStation 5 and PC hero shooter, shed some light on the game's pricing and why a PSN account log-in is required on PC.

Price Point and Content

Speaking with Eurogamer's Chris Tapsell, Firewalk's director of IP Kim Kreines justified the game's £35/$40 price point. For this cost, players get 16 characters, 12 maps, and six modes. The cherry on top? All seasonal content is free!

For more details, check out the original article.

McScratchey's Thoughts

Concord Game Commentary

Concord: The New Hero Shooter from Sony

Sony is diving into the FPS pool with Concord, a fresh hero shooter for PlayStation 5 and PC. Developer Firewalk is aiming to shake things up in the crowded shooter genre, and there’s plenty to unpack about their approach to monetization and the controversial PSN login requirement for PC users.

Monetization Model

First up, let's talk money. For a hero shooter, Concord is coming in at a relatively low price point of £35/$40. That's less than half the cost of most AAA games these days. Firewalk's director of IP, Kim Kreines, emphasizes this as a fair proposition given the robust content lineup: 16 characters, 12 maps, and six modes. And it doesn't stop there—seasonal content will be free. Yeah, you read that right.

Maybe I’m jaded, but in an age where microtransactions and battle passes rule the land, this sounds almost too good to be true. However, it’s a strategy that makes sense if Firewalk is aiming to build a sustainable player base from the get-go. By offering a lower entry price and free seasonal content, they could lure in players who might otherwise be skeptical of forking out big bucks on an unproven title.

PSN Account Requirement

Ah yes, the PSN login requirement for PC players. This one is sure to cause some grumbling. You might be wondering why a game on PC would need a PlayStation Network account at all. It's probably a move to integrate various Sony services and could be a subtle nudge to PC gamers to dip their toes into the PlayStation ecosystem.

Sure, it's a bit of a hassle, but consider this: other platforms like Xbox have similar requirements. In a world where cross-play is becoming standard, having unified accounts can make for smoother matchmaking and social features. Love it or hate it, this kind of integration seems to be where the industry is heading.

Final Thoughts

Concord is setting up to be a compelling addition to the FPS genre. With a budget-friendly price, a promising roster of content, and a somewhat controversial yet understandable PSN requirement for PC, it’s sparking a good deal of buzz. Gaming, much like any other form of entertainment, thrives on innovation and bold moves. Concord might just be the shake-up we need.

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