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So many good vibes, but does Concord really deliver the full package? 🤔

Concord feels like a load of brilliant games combined - but is that enough? (Via:

Image via: - Concord feels like a load of brilliant games combined - but is that enough?

Concord: A Melting Pot of Gaming Excellence

Concord poses an intriguing question: Does mastering each part of a game result in a great overall game? This 5v5 hero shooter, from the newly established Firewalk Studios, had a rocky reveal. Initially presented through an elaborate cinematic, its true identity as a multiplayer-only game emerged later. This led to early criticisms about live service burnout and deceptive marketing.

First Impressions

However, those early dismissals were premature. Concord is actually good. But, just how good remains uncertain after only a couple of hours of gameplay. Interestingly, its success might be hampered by the very qualities that make it appealing.

A Familiar Yet Unique Experience

Concord feels like a blend of various top-tier multiplayer games. Unexpectedly, it resembles the Crucible of Destiny more than Overwatch. Featuring diverse characters such as aerial casters, charging tanks, and traditional gun-and-grenade shooters, its dynamic maps create a constant state of action.

This makes sense given the development talent at Firewalk Studios, including veterans from Bungie, Overwatch, Halo, Call of Duty, and Apex Legends.

Robbie's Take

Concord: A Bold Blend of Multiplayer Mayhem

Let's talk about Concord, a fresh 5v5 hero shooter from Firewalk Studios. It's intriguing. Does executing each part of a game exceptionally well guarantee a good game overall? This question, raised by Concord, is akin to diving into a worm volcano. We’re not going there today, but it’s worth pondering. 🌋

The Reveal: A Mixed Bag

The game's reveal was, well, awkward. Imagine expecting a Guardians of the Galaxy-style saga only to discover it’s an online, multiplayer-only shooter. Sony fans were baffled. Live service burnout? Yes. Bait-and-switch marketing? Possibly. Officially, it was dismissed before anyone even played it. That’s harsh.

The Good News and The Bad News

Here's the lowdown: Concord is good. I played it for a few hours and, no doubt, it’s fun. The bad? It's hard to gauge just how good it is. The thing that makes it good might also hinder its success. 🤔

A Melting Pot of Excellence

Concord feels like a greatest hits album of the multiplayer genre. It has elements reminiscent of Destiny's Crucible, Overwatch, Halo, Call of Duty, and Apex Legends. That makes sense given the development talent pulled from these iconic games. Thanks, Bungie! 🙌

Gameplay Dynamics: A High-Octane Experience

The game features diverse characters: floaty, aerial casters, charging tanks, and versatile gun-and-grenade shooters. The maps have a constant back-and-forth motion, adding to the thrill. This blend keeps the gameplay engaging but might, paradoxically, be its Achilles' heel. Can it stand out in such a crowded market?

Looking Forward

Overall, Concord is shaping up to be a solid online shooter. It mixes elements from top-tier games to create a unique, yet familiar experience. Whether it's enough to keep players hooked long-term is the million-dollar question. Stay tuned for more as the game evolves!

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