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So, Don't Nod's New Game is Getting Pushed Back—And Their Reason is Real AF

Don't Nod is delaying its spiritual successor to Life is Strange and being refreshingly honest about the reason (Via:

Image via: - Don't Nod is delaying its spiritual successor to Life is Strange and being refreshingly honest about the reason

Gaming News: Lost Records Delay

Lost Records: Bloom & Rage Delayed Until 2025

Don't Nod, the creative minds behind the Life is Strange franchise, have announced a delay for their highly anticipated title Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, pushing its release to 2025. This game was initially slated for a late 2024 release.

Speculation is rife among fans as to the reason for the delay. With Square Enix and Life is Strange's contrib studio Deck Nine recently unveiling Life is Strange: Double Exposure, featuring the return of the original protagonist Max Caulfield, it has fans buzzing. This new game set to release in October.

In an unexpected yet straightforward move, Don't Nod's CEO Oskar Guilbert candidly addressed the decision, stating, "We know that many of our fans are eagerly awaiting this game, just as they are the recently announced next instalment of Life is Strange. Let's give both games the space they need to shine. The wait will be worth it."

Want to dive deeper? Check out the original article.

GamerGurl's Impressions

Lost Records: Delayed, But Not Forgotten

So, big news from the creators of Life is Strange. They’ve decided to push back their next big thing, Lost Records: Bloom & Rage, to 2025. Sad? Maybe. But hey, quality over quick fixes, am I right? 🎮

The Delay Drama

Alright, so Don't Nod gave us this juicy tidbit: they're delaying Lost Records. Now, before we start speculating wildly, let’s give credit where it’s due. They’re being honest about it! It's refreshing to see a CEO, like Oskar Guilbert, being straightforward. His main message? They want both Lost Records and the upcoming Life is Strange game to get their time in the limelight. 🌟

Double Trouble?

Here's the twist. Just as we were gearing up for Lost Records, along comes Life is Strange: Double Exposure, bringing Max Caulfield back into our lives. Max is like that cool friend who left town but then hits you up out of nowhere for a road trip. How can you say no? 🛣️

Strategic Move or Smart Play?

Alright, let's be real. Delays can be a bummer. But think about it. Lost Records and Life is Strange aren’t just any games. They’re mood-setters, emotion-tugging, soul-touching experiences. If giving them space to breathe means we get twice the feels, then sign me up. 🤗

Why the Buzz?

Simple. Two games with heavy hitter potential coming from the same creative zone could clash like titans if released too close. Everyone wants to play both, but maybe not at the same time. It’s like getting served two bomb-ass desserts back-to-back; you don’t want to get full too soon. 🍰+🍦=❤️

What’s Next?

So, time to play the waiting game. And while we wait, we can keep ourselves entertained with the new Life is Strange game. October is just around the corner. Max Caulfield is coming home, and it's going to be epic.

You bet I'll be keeping an eye out for any new teasers or tidbits. We’re all in this together, waiting for these game-changing stories to hit our screens. Until then, keep your consoles ready and your excitement in check. 🎮✨

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