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Ready to Rage Quit? This New Mod Cranks Up the Challenge and Ditches the Easy Stuff

Shadow Of The Erdtree mod resets the difficulty to Elden Ring levels and gets rid of Scadutree fragments (Via:

Image via: - Shadow Of The Erdtree mod resets the difficulty to Elden Ring levels and gets rid of Scadutree fragments

Elden Ring Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC Summary

Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC Reception

Elden Ring's latest expansion, Shadow Of The Erdtree, has received a mixed bag of reviews from the Steam community. Despite some critical applause, a chunk of negative feedback highlights the expansion's challenging difficulty.

Why So Difficult?

Many players complain about the steep learning curve. Nic, in his article, mentions that feedback suggests the difficulty level might be a bit too harsh for many, causing frustration.

Scadutree Fragments: A Double-Edged Sword

Publisher Bandai Namco suggests players up their game by collecting Scadutree Fragments to boost their power. However, not everyone is thrilled about having to hunt down these collectibles just to beat bosses, finding it tedious rather than rewarding.

For more details, read the original article.

McScratchey's Thoughts

The Mixed Reactions to Elden Ring's Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC

So, it looks like Elden Ring's Shadow Of The Erdtree DLC has got folks talking—for better or worse. The expansion currently sits at a "Mixed" rating on Steam. That's like the gaming equivalent of a sideways glance and a "meh." Some players are less than thrilled with the difficulty level. And by "less than thrilled," I mean pretty ticked off. 🤷

The Difficulty Debate

What really got me was the controversy surrounding the difficulty. Let's be honest—difficulty is the bread and butter of FromSoftware games. It's like complaining that ice cream is cold. Yet, this DLC seems to push some players to the brink. Critics grumble it's too tough, hitting even veteran players where it hurts.

Bandai Namco's advice? Collect Scadutree Fragments to power up. It's a classic RPG move—gather stuff to make yourself stronger. But not everyone is a fan of the scavenger hunt. Some players just want to dive into boss battles without the extra grind. Fair point, right?

Rebalancing the Experience

However, there's an irony here. One group of players absolutely relishes the meticulous hunt for collectibles. They love the exploration and the gradual power boost. For them, the Scadutree Fragments add layers of strategy and options to rebalance the game.

On the flip side, there’s a vocal minority (or maybe not so minority?) who miss the straightforward combat challenges. To them, the requirement to gather fragments feels like padding—like they're doing chores instead of fighting epic battles. This dynamic tension creates a love-hate relationship with Shadow Of The Erdtree.

Grassroots Solutions: Mods to the Rescue

Enter the modding community. You see, the creative geniuses in this corner of the Internet have already whipped up mods to tweak the difficulty back to Elden Ring's original levels. It’s like having your cake and eating it too. Players can now choose a modded version to skip the fragment hunt, getting straight to the action. One such mod is discussed here.

But again, this sparks another debate. Mods can make the game more accessible, but does it cheapen the experience? Is it the same game if you don’t follow the developer's design? Complex questions for sure, but hey, options are always good, right?

The Community's Verdict

With all this back and forth, the Steam reviews are sweetly chaotic—a reflection of a community that’s both feverishly passionate and critically demanding. Some players dig the added challenge, while others feel alienated. And let's face it; gaming is personal. What works for one might frustrate another.

Elden Ring has always reveled in its ability to evoke strong opinions. It's that divisiveness that keeps the conversation alive. Whether you love the new mechanics or wish they’d just make it easier, one thing's clear: Elden Ring continues to be a fascinating, occasionally infuriating masterpiece. And ain't that what great games are all about?

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