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Patch 7 Drops: Is Dragon’s Dogma 2 Back on Your Must-Play List?

Is Dragon's Dogma 2 finally fixed with patch 7 for PS5 and Series X/S? (Via:

Image via: - Is Dragon's Dogma 2 finally fixed with patch 7 for PS5 and Series X/S?

Dragon's Dogma 2: A Visual Masterpiece With Tech Troubles

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a jaw-dropping title that might just nab the award for best-looking game of the year. Capcom’s open-world gem showcases some dazzling lighting tech, particularly with its detailed ray-traced global illumination (RTGI) which gives the world a highly polished look. 🌟

The Glitches and Performance Woes

However, beauty isn't everything. At launch, the game was riddled with performance hiccups and visual bugs. Xbox Series players were left squinting at broken image reconstruction while enduring choppy frame rates, especially in densely populated city areas.

The Evolution of Patches

Second Patch Review

Even after the second patch—which received coverage in a post-launch video—these issues persisted, putting a damper on the otherwise spectacular visual experience.

Enter Patch Seven

Just last week, Capcom rolled out a new update, dubbed patch seven, aimed at boosting frame rates and introducing new visual settings. The burning question is: Did the patch fix the game's maladies, or are we still dealing with those pesky technical glitches?

Series X Analysis

On the Series X, the visual settings between the second and seventh patches are almost identical. The stunning RTGI presentation with ray tracing on still shines, but when you turn off RT, the visuals lose some of their punch. Basic setting tweaks? Practically nonexistent between the two patches, which isn’t all that surprising.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Patch 7 Review Commentary

Dragon’s Dogma 2: A Technical Masterpiece With Some Hiccups

When I first heard about Dragon's Dogma 2, I must admit, my excitement levels shot through the roof. But together with eye-popping graphics comes a baggage of technical quirks. So, does the latest patch turn this dazzling dragon tale into a smooth experience?

Visual Marvels and Glitches: A Love-Hate Relationship

Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't just another pretty face; it's a graphical marvel. The game offers some breathtaking vistas complemented by top-of-the-line lighting technology. Ray-traced global illumination (RTGI) is like that cherry on top, making every sunrise and shadow a sight to behold. Yet, this visual splendor isn't without its woes. Frame-rate drops in busy city areas and broken image reconstruction on Xbox Series consoles? Yeah, that's a downer.

Patch 7: A Mixed Bag

Capcom’s recent Patch 7 aims to level up the performance game. Does it succeed? Well, kinda. While the frame-rate has seen some improvement, it still struggles under the weight of its own ambitious scale. The visual toggles are a nice touch, but the effect is subtle enough that you might miss it if you blink.

Xbox Series X Specifics: Déjà Vu?

Checking out the Series X, I noticed that the visual settings remain largely unchanged from the previous patches. It’s the same pretty RTGI magic when the ray tracing is turned on and a slightly less impressive look when it's off. The tweaks aren't enough to flip the script, but hey, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it—wait a second, weren’t there broken parts?

Gaming Community Buzz: What Are We Saying?

Despite some technical bugs, the gaming community is buzzing about Dragon's Dogma 2. Players are still diving into this expansive world, taking on epic quests, and hunting dragons. It's clear that Capcom has crafted a game that captivates players, even if it occasionally trips over its own tech.

Conclusion: The Verdict?

So, does Patch 7 make Dragon’s Dogma 2 a seamless experience? Not entirely, but it does make strides.Technical Marvels often face growing pains, and this game is no different. If you’ve got your eye on epic battles and stunning landscapes, it's worth enduring the occasional stutter. Here’s to hoping that future updates manage to slay the remaining dragons, both literal and technical.

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