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"Oshi No Ko on Crunchyroll: Where's the Streaming Scoop?"

Is ‘Oshi No Ko’ on Crunchyroll? (Via:

Image via: GamerGone

Oshi No Ko's Streaming Dilemma: Missing from Crunchyroll

Oshi No Ko fans are in for a bit of a surprise—this sensational anime is not available on Crunchyroll. Yes, you heard that right. Crunchyroll might be the go-to for anime enthusiasts, but it seems they've dropped the ball on this one. 😱

What's the Buzz About?

Oshi No Ko has been making waves in the anime community, captivating fans with its intriguing storyline and stunning visuals. But despite its popularity, Crunchyroll subscribers are left in the lurch, unable to find their new favorite show on the platform.

Where Can You Watch It?

If you're desperate to get your Oshi No Ko fix, you'll need to look elsewhere. Hulu has snagged the rights to this gem, so brace yourselves for another subscription—or the inevitable ad breaks if you're on the free tier.

But Wait, There's More

For fans outside of the U.S., the options vary. Some regions might have the anime available on Amazon Prime Video or other local streaming services. So, keep your eyes peeled and your fingers crossed. 🤞

Why is This Happening?

The world of anime streaming is a battleground, with platforms vying for exclusive content to lure subscribers. This time, Crunchyroll missed out, and another platform scored the win. It's all part of the game, but it sure stings for loyal Crunchyroll users.

Final Thoughts

While it's a bummer Oshi No Ko isn't on Crunchyroll, there are still ways to watch this thrilling anime. Just be prepared to stray from your usual streaming habits. For more details, check out the original article.

The Ever-Present Tug on Our Wallets: Thoughts on the Gaming World

Oh our dear, dear wallets... sigh. It's like every time we catch a break, the gaming industry swoops in with something awesome, and poof! There goes our budget. Let's dive into this rollercoaster ride that our wallets know all too well.

The Perennial Battle of Want vs. Need

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Game Developers: Masters of Temptation

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The Rise of Microtransactions

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Navigating the Future: A Pro Gamer's Perspective

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Anyway, gotta run! There’s a flash sale that’s burning a hole in my pocket.

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