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Oops, They Did It Again: Ubisoft's Double-Take Drama

Ubisoft Deletes Announcement Of Game It Already Accidentally Released Last Year (Via:

Image via: - Ubisoft Deletes Announcement Of Game It Already Accidentally Released Last Year

Ubisoft's Oopsie: Early Reveal of Beyond Good & Evil Remaster

Oops! Ubisoft accidentally spilled the beans today, prematurely announcing the release date and full title for the shiny new remaster of Beyond Good & Evil through a tweet. The excitement was real, though short-lived, as the publisher quickly deleted the tweet. But, alas, the internet's memory is as sharp as ever and won't let this slip!

For more deets and fun drama, read more here.

GamerGurl's Impressions


Did Ubisoft Just Spill the Beans?

Well, well, well, looks like Ubisoft couldn't keep a secret! Earlier today, they accidentally revealed the release date and full title for the remaster of Beyond Good & Evil on Twitter. Talk about oops moment!

The Tweet That Couldn't Be Erased

Although Ubisoft deleted the tweet faster than you can say "stealth mode", remember: the internet has a memory like an elephant. That's right, screenshots and savvy gamers were all over it!

What We Know So Far

Details are still sparse, but the hype is real. If you're a fan of the original Beyond Good & Evil, you might want to keep your eyes peeled. This remaster could be a game-changer (pun intended).

Curious to learn more? Check out the full scoop here.

``` This commentary blends a playful tone with essential details about Ubisoft's tweet mishap, making it engaging and informative. It uses various HTML tags to enhance readability and SEO.

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