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Not happening, folks: Time to let go of those Days Gone 2 dreams

Stop asking Bend Studio if Days Gone 2 is happening, because it isn't: "Time to move on" (Via:

Image via: - Stop asking Bend Studio if Days Gone 2 is happening, because it isn't: "Time to move on"

No Days Gone 2: Bend Studio Confirms No Sequel

Days Gone 2 isn't happening, despite fans' persistent requests, and Bend Studio wants everyone to stop asking.

The Story So Far

Days Gone had all the makings of a Sony blockbuster, even headlining an E3 showcase back in the day. Despite reportedly selling as well as Ghost of Tsushima, the game didn't quite hit the critical high notes typical of Sony's first-party titles, though it did fine overall. Still, the game found a loyal fan base, especially after its PC release, leaving some hopeful for a sequel.

No Sequel in Sight

Bend Studio's community manager, Kevin McAllister, has made it clear: "I apologize to our Days Gone community for continuously getting fed false hope and poor information by people looking for likes." He added that the studio is working on a new IP, and any real news will come directly from them. This statement seems to reference a tweet from Days Gone's writer, John Garvin, hinting that the game was initially intended to be a trilogy.

What's Next?

While fans might be disappointed, they can look forward to what Bend Studio has next in store.

Read more in the original article.

The Inevitable Demise of Days Gone 2: A Commentary

So the word is out, Days Gone fans - a sequel ain't happening. Yup, no Days Gone 2, and Bend Studio wants you to stop asking. It's like that moment when you realize the last slice of pizza is gone. Sucks, right?

Days Gone: A Bittersweet Journey

Days Gone is kinda like that high school sweetheart you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. It was meant to be one of Sony's crown jewels, a single-player experience to stand alongside giants. Remember that E3 reveal? Yeah, those were some high hopes.

But behind the scenes, the fairy tale was falling apart. Despite the game director claiming it sold as well as Ghost of Tsushima, management treated it like the black sheep of first-party titles. Critics didn’t trash it - heck, some reviews were actually pretty decent. But it didn’t hit that sweet spot Sony expects.

The Cold Reality Check

Fast forward to today, Kevin McAllister, Bend Studio’s community manager, had to play the messenger, shutting down those persistent sequel rumors. He apologized for the misinformation fans kept getting fed - which, let's be honest, probably felt like whiplash.

"I apologize to our Days Gone community for continuously getting fed false hope and poor information by people looking for likes," McAllister wrote. Ouch. That’s a pretty direct hit at the online rumor mill.

Why Fans Won't Let Go

Why are folks so hung up on a Days Gone 2? Well, the original game's gritty, post-apocalyptic world with its hordes of freakers created a dedicated fanbase. The idea of a trilogy, hinted by writer John Garvin, stoked the fire even more. Fans envisioned a sprawling saga, but now, those dreams are kinda... well, freakin' dead.

Looking Ahead

But hey, it’s not all doom and gloom. Bend Studio's moving on to fresh ventures, working on a new IP. Who knows? Maybe their next project will blow our minds. And if you're a fan of zombie games, the industry isn't exactly running short. Just look at the success of titles like The Last of Us and Resident Evil – the undead aren’t going anywhere.

The Bigger Picture in Gaming

Days Gone closing its chapter brings up a broader industry conversation: the unpredictability of game development and player expectations. Look, not every game that does "okay" will get a sequel, no matter how loud the fans shout. The gaming landscape is fierce and cutthroat, and studios have to balance passion projects with financial realities.

This also feeds into the trend of studios being more transparent with their communities. With the rise of social media, players are closer than ever to developers. But this also means that misinformation spreads like wildfire. It's a blessing and a curse. Bend Studio's straight talk might sting now, but in the long run, it helps set clearer expectations.

Wrap Up

So, that’s the lowdown on Days Gone 2. It’s a bust, but life moves on. Instead of mourning the undead sequel, maybe it’s time to get hyped about what’s next in Bend Studio's pipeline. Keep those controllers charged, because there's always another game waiting to redefine our virtual adventures. 🎮

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