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Find and Use Vengeance Jones in Fortnite: Your Ultimate Guide to Hidden NPC Secrets and Strategies

Updated: 7 days ago

Locating and Utilizing Vengeance Jones in Fortnite

Alright, so you’re on the hunt for Vengeance Jones, huh? Buckle up, 'cause this ain't just some run-of-the-mill NPC. This dude is hidden away like a secret stash of Halloween candy. Let's dive in and break it all down step by step so you can get the most outta your visit to Vengeance Jones.

Vengenace Jones in his underground bunker, turned a player into a mailbox
Vengeance Jones just turned me into a mailbox!

Discovering the Secret Tunnel

First things first, you’ve gotta find this sneaky character. Vengeance Jones is chillin’ in an underground tunnel somewhere smack between Fencing Fields and Pleasant Piazza. Yep, you heard right. An underground tunnel. This hidden gem makes the whole discovery feel like you’ve just stumbled upon a secret level. So, grab a pickaxe and get to diggin' that underground vibe.

How to Identify Vengeance Jones

As you’re wandering through this dark, maze-like tunnel, keep your eyes peeled for the NPC icon. Trust me, this icon is your best friend in these cramped, dark spaces. It’ll guide you right to Vengeance Jones like a flashlight in a haunted house.

Interacting with Vengeance Jones

A Unique Character Encounter

Meeting Vengeance Jones isn’t just like meeting any old character. The guy's got this air of mystery and excitement around him. He's like that cool uncle who only shows up at holidays with the best stories. Just knowing he’s tucked away in this hidden tunnel adds this whole extra layer of intrigue to your game.

The Prop Disguise Service

Here’s where things get real fun. For a mere 50 Gold Bars, Vengeance Jones offers a Prop Disguise service. Imagine this: you turn yourself into an ordinary object and blend right into the scenery. Bam! You go full-on spy mode. Think of the pranks and ambushes you can pull off with that trick up your sleeve.

Utilizing Vengeance Jones's Abilities

The Element of Surprise

Using that Prop Disguise service can be a game-changer, no doubt. Sneaking up on opponents, hiding in plain sight—it's got "element of surprise" written all over it. Situations where you need to be stealthy or just wanna mess with an opponent’s head? This is your go-to strategy.

Additional Offerings

But wait, there's more! Vengeance Jones isn’t just a one-trick pony. For 200 Gold Bars, he’s also got Cluster Clingers available. These puppies can really give your gameplay that explosive edge. Whether you need the Prop Disguise for some sneaky shenanigans or the Cluster Clingers to blow things up, Vengeance Jones is your man.

Why Vengeance Jones is a Must-Visit NPC

So, here's the lowdown from my experience: Vengeance Jones is definitely worth seeking out in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. His underground hideout, the unique Prop Disguise ability, and the Cluster Clingers make him an NPC that’s well worth your time. Every encounter with him feels like a plotted twist, adding a dash of excitement and strategy to your game. So, make sure you’re paying him a visit and taking full advantage of what he’s got to offer. Happy hunting!

If you want more details or need to check out the latest updates on Fortnite, head over to Fortnite's official page. And remember, the game’s always evolving, so keep an eye out for fresh content and new secrets. Good luck out there!

The map location of Vengeance Jones in Fortnite Chapter 5
Vengeance Jones Map Location - Fortnite Chapter 5

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