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How CD Projekt Red Plans to Fix Cyberpunk's Manhole Mishap in the Sequel

Cyberpunk 2077's manhole covers were too European, so CD Projekt Red is hoping the sequel will be more believably American (Via:

Image via: - Cyberpunk 2077's manhole covers were too European, so CD Projekt Red is hoping the sequel will be more believably American

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel to Capture Authentic American Vibe

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel to Capture Authentic American Vibe

Cyberpunk 2077 may look American, but according to CD Projekt Red, it's missing some cultural touches.

Setting & Authenticity

Cyberpunk 2077 is set in a futuristic version of Los Angeles, conveying a distinctly American atmosphere. Acting executive producer Dan Hernberg emphasized the game's American roots on a recent episode of the AnsweRED podcast. Despite this, the Polish-based studio, CD Projekt, realized there were inaccuracies that broke the immersion for American players.

Identifying the Gaps

Simple things like manhole covers, fire hydrants, and trash bin placements felt off. Associate game director Paweł Sasko explained that manholes from Europe, particularly Germany, were used in the game instead of American ones, breaking immersion for keen-eyed players. These discrepancies were noted by fans, underlining the importance of these details, which Hernberg and the team refer to as "the Americana."

Future Improvements

Recognizing these gaps, CD Projekt Red is committed to ensuring the sequel authentically captures these cultural nuances, enhancing the game's overall experience.

For more details, check out the original article.

Aim for Authenticity: Making Cyberpunk 2077 Feel More American

Cyberpunk 2077 is a game that’s captured the imagination of players around the globe. It's set in a futuristic Los Angeles, an obvious nod to its American roots. Yet, as the team at CD Projekt points out, some aspects didn’t quite hit the mark in terms of conveying its American setting. From manhole covers to fire hydrants, these seemingly minor details matter.

The Quest for Authenticity

As gamers, we thrive on immersion. Every detail, no matter how small, builds the world we escape to. When Polish studio CD Projekt set out to create Cyberpunk 2077, they were tackling not only a massive, visionary project but also attempting to recreate a nuanced version of America. Here’s the thing: despite its fantastical elements, authenticity in setting can make or break the immersive experience.

Manhole Covers and Americana

One glaring example was the use of European-style manhole covers in the game’s American cityscape, an immersion-breaking detail. Associate game director Paweł Sasko touched on this, explaining that elements like street lights, fire hydrants, and even trash bins must be accurate to the American setting. Dan Hernberg aptly dubbed these subtle yet significant details as part of "the Americana."

It’s All in the Details

It might sound nitpicky, but trust me, these details add up. When something’s off, it's like a glitch in the Matrix – you notice it, and it pulls you right out of the experience. Even though these are just pieces of the environment, they root the cyberpunk world in a reality that players can relate to.

American Culture Through a Polish Lens

Creating a game that truly feels American when you’re based in Poland? That’s no small feat. Although Cyberpunk 2077 had plenty of punk energy and American vibes, CD Projekt acknowledges that there were aspects they could have nailed better. The original tabletop game was penned by an American, giving them a strong foundation, yet translating this into a digital experience presented its own set of challenges.

Learning and Evolution

CD Projekt's upcoming sequel aims to dive deeper into this Americana vibe. It’s promising to hear that they’re taking feedback seriously – not just the big complaints, but the small nuances as well. This kind of dedication is what keeps gamers coming back, hoping for even more immersive and authentic experiences.

Looking Forward

I’m stoked to see how CD Projekt will evolve in this aspect. If they can get even the smallest details right, they’ll create a world that’s not just visually stunning but also credibly American. It’s these incremental improvements that often lead to standout experiences in games.

Final Thoughts

Cyberpunk 2077's journey has been a wild ride, full of lessons and growth. With an eye towards authenticity and a commitment to learning from their past, CD Projekt is positioned to deliver even more compelling, immersive worlds in the future. Let's hope the sequel brings us an America that feels just right – fire hydrants and all. 🤘

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