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How a Rocky Game Launch Turned Everything Upside Down for This Studio (And Why It's Actually a Good Thing)

Cyberpunk 2077's dreadful reception "changed me and us as a studio", says CDPR dev (Via:

Image via: - Cyberpunk 2077's dreadful reception "changed me and us as a studio", says CDPR dev

Cyberpunk 2077’s Rocky Start Turned Out to Be a Blessing for Its Phantom Liberty DLC

The unexpected success of Cyberpunk 2077’s Phantom Liberty DLC was due in part to the base game's initial negative reception.

The Silver Lining of a Rough Launch

According to senior quest designer Paweł Sasko, the challenging release of Cyberpunk 2077 in 2020 was a crucial turning point. Sasko explained that the poor reception was pivotal in the development and subsequent success of the Phantom Liberty expansion. If the original game had not faced such backlash, the team might not have made the sweeping changes needed to improve the DLC.

A New Approach to Production

The negative reception pushed the team to innovate and change their approach. Sasko revealed at Gamescom Latam that they "completely changed the production style" due to the initial feedback. This shift in strategy led to the Phantom Liberty DLC performing significantly better at launch, highlighting the importance of learning from past mistakes.

Industry Insights and More

For more detailed insights from Paweł Sasko and the impact of Cyberpunk 2077's launch on its expansions, check out the full interview on TheGamer.

To dive deeper into how the difficult launch changed the studio, read the original article.

Turning a Plague into a Blessing: The Unlikely Success of Cyberpunk 2077's Phantom Liberty DLC

Isn't it wild how sometimes the worst disasters can lead to the most spectacular turnarounds?

The Cyberpunk 2077 story is a prime example of this. After its rather infamous launch in 2020, few could have predicted that it would end up leading to something as successful as the Phantom Liberty DLC. But that's exactly what happened!

The Initial Release: A Catastrophic Beginning

Let's rewind a bit. The release of Cyberpunk 2077 in 2020 was nothing short of a catastrophe. Players and reviewers alike were quick to highlight the myriad of bugs, performance issues, and unfulfilled promises that marred what was supposed to be a groundbreaking title. It was so bad that I remember thinking, "Wow, this can't get any worse."

A Blessing in Disguise

However, according to Paweł Sasko, senior quest designer at CD Projekt Red, this disastrous start was actually a blessing in disguise. He mentioned that the negative reception "completely changed the production style" for the better. I can't help but think of the saying, "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It seems CD Projekt Red took that sentiment to heart.

Learning from Mistakes

It's kinda like when you touch a hot stove as a kid. You learn pretty quickly not to do that again, right? Well, the team behind Cyberpunk 2077 clearly learned from their mistakes. The painful reception of the base game pushed them to innovate, revise, and revamp their approach to development.

The Comeback Kid: Phantom Liberty's Success

Fast forward to the launch of Phantom Liberty, and it's almost like you're looking at a different game. Sasko highlighted that the lessons learned from the initial failure were directly responsible for the DLC's success: "Phantom Liberty worked significantly better at its launch because we completely changed the production style."

Adapting and Thriving

This adaptability is commendable and more than a tad inspiring. We often think of developers as rigid, but CD Projekt Red’s journey shows that creators can indeed evolve, adapt, and thrive, even after a major flop.

What's Next for CD Projekt Red?

Now, this turn of events makes me wonder: What’s next for CD Projekt Red? If they can bounce back from such a significant setback, the sky's the limit. I'm genuinely excited to see what they'll produce in the future. 📈

Closing Thoughts

The story of Cyberpunk 2077 and its Phantom Liberty DLC is a fascinating tale of redemption. It’s amazing how what seemed like an insurmountable failure led to such a significant success. If there's a lesson to be learned here, it's that sometimes, our biggest failures set the stage for our greatest achievements. 🌟


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