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Hoping for a Knockout: Velan Studios Teases a Future Return

Velan Studios still "loves Knockout City as much as you do", hopes "to bring it back" one day (Via:

Image via: - Velan Studios still "loves Knockout City as much as you do", hopes "to bring it back" one day

Velan Studios Still Dreams of Reviving Knockout City

Velan Studios may have shut down its competitive "dodgebrawl" game, Knockout City, a year ago, but the team remains passionate about potentially bringing it back in the future.

New Projects on the Horizon

In a recent update, Velan Studios' founders Karthik and Guha Bala shared exciting news about their new projects: Midnight Murder Club and Bounce Arcade. Midnight Murder Club is a thrilling combination of hide-and-seek and shooter gameplay, while Bounce Arcade brings pinball to the VR realm.

Love for Knockout City Remains

Despite these new ventures, the Bala brothers emphasized their enduring affection for Knockout City. "We love Knockout City as much as you do and want to bring it back," they stated, acknowledging the ongoing interest and anticipation from fans.

Hope for the Future

While there were no immediate announcements about the game's return, Velan Studios remains hopeful that Knockout City will make a comeback. Their passionate community can take heart in knowing the game is not forgotten.

Stay Tuned

For more details on Velan Studios' plans and potential future developments for Knockout City, check out the original article.

Velan Studios' Love Affair with "Knockout City" – A Glimpse into the Future?

Let's talk about the rollercoaster that has been Velan Studios and their hit game, Knockout City. Although it might have been a year since they shut down the game, the excitement around it hasn't entirely faded. Trust me, this game was a breath of fresh air for many of us who wanted something different in the competitive scene.

Why Did "Knockout City" Matter?

Knockout City wasn’t your typical game. Imagine a mix of dodgeball and battle royale; sounds crazy, right? But it worked – and how! The game had an infectious energy and unique approach to multiplayer gameplay.

The Emotional Disconnect

It’s like Velan Studios has a love-hate relationship with their own creation. They closed it down but then pop back into the conversation saying, "Hey, we miss it too!". It's like breaking up but still leaving the door slightly open for a future reunion. The recent update where they mentioned Midnight Murder Club and Bounce Arcade was cool and all, but fans were glaringly focused on one thing – the return of Knockout City.

What's Cooking in the Velan Kitchen?

First off, hide-and-seek combined with shooter gameplay in Midnight Murder Club? I'm intrigued. Not to mention VR pinball with Bounce Arcade – an ambitious venture! But here's the kicker: they assured all of us that Knockout City isn't forgotten.

The Brothers Bala Speak Out

In their heart-to-heart, Karthik and Guha Bala stated, "We know that some of you are waiting for Knockout City to return and are disappointed that we didn’t announce any news about that this week." It’s comforting to hear that the creators themselves love the game just as much as the fans do. It’s almost like they’re nurturing a beloved plant, waiting for the right moment to let it bloom again.

What's Keeping Them from Re-releasing It?

Let's be real – game development isn’t a walk in the park. It's a high-stakes game of its own. The delay might be due to several reasons: maybe they’re perfecting the gameplay or strategizing a grand re-launch. Whatever the case, one thing is clear – they intend to bring Knockout City back, and they want to do it right.

Bridging the Gap with New Projects

Midnight Murder Club and Bounce Arcade are like appetizers while we wait for the main course. They promise an engaging experience and show that Velan Studios hasn't lost its innovative edge. It's just that for many, the craving for Knockout City remains insatiable.💔

I find Velan’s journey intriguing. They remind us that devs are gamers and dreamers too. Fingers crossed, folks – let’s see if Knockout City bounces back stronger than ever!

Explore More

If you want to dig deeper, here's more on the aftermath and future possibilities.

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