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Hell Yeah, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Hits Steam Soon – Plus, Sick New Graphics!

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster gets a Steam release date. Also confirmed: graphics (Via:

Image via: - Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster gets a Steam release date. Also confirmed: graphics

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster is Coming to Steam!

Last week, Capcom teased us with a remastered version of the 2006 zombie action gem Dead Rising.

The Tease and the Big Reveal

Capcom, known for keeping fans on their toes, shared tantalizing glimpses of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. Unlike the 2016 HD Remaster, this new version seems to be more of a full remake, judging by the fresh footage shown at Capcom's NEXT showcase yesterday.

PC Gamers Rejoice

Here’s the best part— it’s coming to Steam! Yep, confirmed for PC. Looks like Capcom knows how to feed zombie fans right.

Get Ready for the Zombie Mayhem

Prepare your weapons and sharpen your skills, because this remaster is bound to be a thrilling ride.

Want the full scoop? Check out the original article.

The Thrill of Dead Rising's Remastered Glory

The gaming world got a solid jolt last week when Capcom teased another revamp of their 2006 zombie action masterpiece Dead Rising. It’s called the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, and oh boy, it’s creating a buzz! Naturally, it makes one wonder: Are we on the cusp of witnessing a complete overhaul of a beloved classic? Spoiler alert: It’s looking more and more like it!

The Evolution of a Classic

Okay, so here’s the deal. Capcom's new footage from their showcase suggested that this isn’t just some quick facelift. We might be gazing at a full-blown remake here. Coupled with the news that it's hitting Steam—and thus, confirmed for PC—has everyone in the gaming community (myself included) hyperventilating in sheer anticipation.

Why the Excitement?

Let’s be real, Dead Rising isn’t just any game. The original release took the gaming world by storm with its unique gameplay and immersive zombie apocalypse experience. It was brash, bold, and bloody—everything you’d want from a good ol’ zombie hack 'n slash. The promise of a deluxe remaster brings back a flood of nostalgia and a chance for a whole new generation to experience the carnage.

What We Can Hope For

So what do I expect from this remaster? For starters, besides the obvious graphical improvements, I'm hoping for refined gameplay mechanics. The original had its quirks—charming, yet occasionally frustrating. Tweaking those would elevate the whole experience. And let’s talk about the mods. Given it's on Steam, the modding community is sure to have a field day, which could take this game to insane new heights.

The Bigger Picture

This move could signal a broader strategy by Capcom to capitalize on their rich library of classic games. We’ve seen a trend lately with remasters and remakes, so it wouldn’t surprise me if we see more iconic titles getting the same treatment. Nostalgia is a powerful thing, folks, and it’s smart money to tap into that vein.

A Bright Future for Dead Rising

So, what's my final take on this? I’m stoked! The potential is sky-high, and if Capcom plays their cards right, the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster could become a benchmark for how to handle remakes. It’s not just about revamping graphics; it’s about enhancing the whole shebang without losing the essence of what made the original a blast. Here’s hoping they nail it. 🎮🔪

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