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Guess Who’s Back to Terrify Your Gaming Nights?

New Resident Evil game confirmed, with the director of Resi 7 at the helm (Via:

Image via: - New Resident Evil game confirmed, with the director of Resi 7 at the helm

New Resident Evil Game Confirmed by Director Koshi Nakanishi

Capcom just dropped some fresh news, much like a zombie in peak form. Among the juicy tidbits were a couple of demos and release dates. But the real showstopper? A new Resident Evil game is in the pipeline!

Koshi Nakanishi Speaks Up

The mastermind behind Resident Evil 7, Koshi Nakanishi, confirmed the development, stating that the new game is something substantial. "It was really difficult to figure out what to do after [Resident Evil] 7," he remarked, "but I found it. And to be honest, it feels substantial."

What's Next for Resident Evil?

While Nakanishi didn't spill too many beans, his excitement about the new project has fans on edge. With a legacy of spine-chilling horror and intense gameplay, expectations are sky-high for this upcoming installment.

Stay Tuned

If you’re as hyped as we are, you might want to keep an eye out for more news. For now, all we can do is wait in anxious anticipation.

Exciting Times for Resident Evil Fans: New Game Confirmed!

So, Capcom just decided to casually drop some major news on us like it's no big deal. Apparently, there's a new Resident Evil game in the works. You might be thinking, "No duh, big franchises love milking their hits," but honestly, it's still thrilling to hear it from the horse's mouth. Resident Evil 7's director, Koshi Nakanishi, confirmed it himself, and that's got me stoked for what's next.

The Legacy of Resident Evil

Let's get real for a second: Resident Evil is like the Michael Jordan of survival horror games. Ever since the debut in 1996, this series has kept us on our toes, making us wary of every creak and shadow in our homes. The franchise has seen its highs and lows, but it's never really faded from the limelight. Resident Evil 7 brought some fresh air with its first-person perspective and horrifyingly immersive gameplay. If you haven't experienced it yet, you're missing out on a core part of gaming culture.

Koshi Nakanishi: The Man Behind the Madness

Koshi Nakanishi, the brains behind Resident Evil 7, spilled a few beans about the upcoming game. He mentioned that figuring out what comes after RE7 was no walk in the park. And honestly, if I were in his shoes, I’d be having some sleepless nights too. But according to Nakanishi, he has found the groove and is feeling pretty confident about it.

What Could Be Coming?

So, what could this new installment bring us? Let's speculate a bit because, why not? Maybe we'll see more of that gripping first-person horror, or perhaps a nostalgic return to the classic third-person camera with modern twists. Whatever Nakanishi has planned, if it’s anything like the terrifying atmosphere and intricate storytelling of RE7, we're in for a wild ride.

Capcom's Sneaky Announcements

If you blinked, you might have missed some of the other juicy tidbits Capcom tossed our way. They were like a zombie, just spewing demos and release dates all over the place. Quick shoutout to the new Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster. It’s like the gaming world's answer to comfort food - familiar but satisfying every time.

Brace Yourself, Gamers!

So yeah, there's a lot to look forward to. I’m hyped, and if you're a Resident Evil fan, you should be too. As always, Capcom has a knack for keeping us engaged, and it looks like they’re doing it again. Strap in, because it’s going to be one heck of a ride!

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