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Guess What? Starfield Mods Just Broke the Frame-Rate Barrier on Xbox Series S!

DF Weekly: Starfield mods unlock frame-rate on Xbox Series S - so how well does it run? (Via:

Image via: - DF Weekly: Starfield mods unlock frame-rate on Xbox Series S - so how well does it run?

Starfield Modding on Xbox Series S

Starfield Modding on Xbox Series S

Exploring Performance Mods

This week's DF Direct dives into the Starfield modding scene, especially focusing on mods that introduce a performance mode to the Xbox Series S version. While Bethesda offered performance options on the Xbox Series X, the Series S was left hanging. Now, mods show that the Series S could have benefitted too.

Stock Gameplay and Resolutions

The stock game on Series S mirrors the Series X version, with minor visual cuts and a key difference in resolution. It runs at a reconstructed 1440p from a 900p base. Bethesda keeps it running mostly at a capped 30fps, rarely dipping below that mark.

Modding for Higher Frames

The first mod tested disables v-sync, removing the frame-rate cap and turning the game into something akin to Series X's 60fps mode, albeit with some gnarly screen-tearing on non-VRR displays. The performance then oscillates between GPU and CPU limits, especially in densely populated areas like Jemison or Akila where the CPU becomes the bottleneck.

Performance Fluctuations

In other areas, the GPU limits performance, with frame rates fluctuating between the mid-30s to high-50s. On 120Hz displays, the console can even exceed the 60fps cap, which could provide smoother gameplay.

For more details, check out the original article.

McScratchey's Thoughts

Starfield Modding Scene on Xbox Series S

Starfield Modding Scene on Xbox Series S: A Commentary

The modding community is back at it again, tinkering with Bethesda's Starfield to squeeze out that extra juice on the Xbox Series S. Bethesda got the performance mode on point for the Series X, but sadly, the Series S didn't get the same love. Nonetheless, the modders saw an opportunity and boy, did they deliver.

No More V-Sync?

One of the mods out there is all about yanking off v-sync. This means the Series S doesn't have that fixed 30fps cap anymore. Instead, you can experience something close to the Series X's 60fps mode. Of course, this comes at a cost: unbearable screen-tearing if your display isn’t VRR-capable.

GPU vs. CPU: The Tug of War

Starfield is a demanding game, and this mod reveals how it flips between being GPU and CPU-limited. Dense areas like Jemison or Akila make the CPU sweat. Elsewhere, it’s the GPU doing the heavy lifting, chugging along somewhere between 30fps and 50fps. Set your console to a 120Hz output, and it might even go higher! 🚀

Why Mods Matter

Mods are more than just nifty additions; they reveal potential the original devs might not have fully tapped. It’s fascinating that Starfield, though supposedly at a stable 30fps on Series S, can stretch further with a little modding magic. This sparks hope for more official updates—maybe Bethesda will catch on! 🎮

If you're curious to dive deeper into the mod scene and how this game performs on the Series S when modded, check out the full story here.

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