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Guess What, Gamers? You’ll Need a PSN Account on PC for Cross Play Magic

Yes, Concord will require you to have a PSN account on PC because cross play and progression are an "important piece" of the game (Via:

Image via: - Yes, Concord will require you to have a PSN account on PC because cross play and progression are an "important piece" of the game

Concord's PSN Requirement for PC Players Sparks Controversy

The upcoming hero shooter Concord is following in Helldivers 2's footsteps by requiring PC players to connect a PSN account, and fans are not happy about it. 🎮

History Repeats with Helldivers 2

When Sony mandated a PSN account connection for PC players of Helldivers 2 back in May, it resulted in a huge backlash. The negative reception pushed Sony to retract the requirement just days later. The requirement's sudden imposition months after the game's release did not sit well with players, who felt blindsided.

Firewalk Studios' Decision for Concord

Despite the Helldivers 2 fiasco, Firewalk Studios has decided to implement the same PSN account requirement for Concord, set to release soon. According to Firewalk's IP director Kim Kreines, the PSN account connection is essential for enabling cross-play and cross-progression between PC and PlayStation 5 players.

Why PSN Account Connection?

In an interview with Eurogamer, Kreines emphasized that the PSN account linkage is crucial for cross-play and cross-progression functionality. Lead character designer Jon Weisnewski also highlighted the technical necessity of this feature: "The goal is for players to come have fun and play together."

For further details, check out the original article.

Mandatory PSN Accounts: Is Sony Really Listening?

This just in: Sony is asking PC players to link up their PSN accounts for Firewalk Studios' upcoming hero shooter, Concord. This decision, following the Helldivers 2 controversy, has gamers scratching their heads and raising eyebrows. Does Sony think they’re slick, or have they completely missed the memo?

The PSN Requirement Controversy

Let’s take a quick trip down memory lane, shall we? Back in May, Sony did a little experiment with Helldivers 2. They decided it would be a neat idea to require PC players to link their PSN accounts. Just a tiny tweak, right? Wrong! Gamers lost their minds, leading to a full-on review bombing on Steam. Sony had to backpedal faster than a cat on a hot tin roof. For a minute there, it seemed like they realized the error of their ways. But nope, here we are again.

The Logic Behind the Madness

According to Firewalk's director of IP, Kim Kreines, the mandatory PSN accounts are essential to enable cross-play and cross-progression between PC and PlayStation 5 players. Sure, that part sounds reasonable. Who wouldn’t want to jump from their couch to their desk and keep their progress intact? But forcing everyone’s hand isn't the smoothest move in the playbook.

What Gamers Are Saying

Let’s be real, the gaming community isn’t exactly thrilled. The last time Sony pulled this stunt, it was an understatement to say the backlash was fierce. The gamers have spoken, and the message was clear: don’t mess with our freedom to choose how we play. 😤

Cross-Play vs. Privacy Concerns

Cross-play and cross-progression are the buzzwords here. But do they really justify a mandatory PSN link? Plenty of multiplayer games offer cross-play without dragging in unnecessary account requirements. Ask yourself, is it truly about "bringing players together"? Or is there another layer of control?

The Bigger Picture

For some, this may seem like a small issue in the grand scheme of gaming. But it points to a broader trend within the industry. Control is tightening, and companies are forcing players into ecosystems whether they like it or not. This isn't just a matter of convenience; it’s about autonomy. And trust me, gamers value their autonomy more than a dog loves his bone.

Possible Solutions

Rather than stubbornly sticking to their guns, Sony could explore more player-friendly solutions. An opt-in system for those who want cross-play and progression, while allowing others to skip the mandatory PSN link, would be a win-win. Gamers get to keep their freedom, and Sony can still offer all the nifty cross-platform features.

Looking Forward

As more details about Concord emerge, it will be interesting to see how Firewalk Studios and Sony handle the inevitable backlash. If the Helldivers 2 episode taught them anything, they’d better buckle up for another bumpy ride. For now, it looks like history might just repeat itself. 🎮

What Are Your Thoughts?

This conversation isn't over. Drop your thoughts in the comments. Do you think Sony’s got a point, or are they barking up the wrong tree?

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