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Guess Mortal Kombat’s Latest Move… It Involves a Big Goodbye!

NetherRealm is shutting down free-to-play mobile game Mortal Kombat: Onslaught (Via:

Image via: - NetherRealm is shutting down free-to-play mobile game Mortal Kombat: Onslaught

NetherRealm Shuts Down Mortal Kombat: Onslaught Amidst Mobile Team Layoffs

A Sudden Halt for Mortal Kombat: Onslaught

NetherRealm has announced the abrupt shutdown of its free-to-play mobile game, Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, just shortly after reportedly laying off its entire mobile development team.

From Launch to Shutdown

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, a character-collecting RPG featuring beloved characters from the fighting series, was announced in October 2022. It officially launched a year later, promising a "mobile-exclusive" storyline and "massive real-time group battles" boasting up to ten fighters.

End of an Era

Despite its promising start, after just nine months, NetherRealm confirmed on Twitter/X that Mortal Kombat: Onslaught will cease operations in October. They expressed their gratitude to the fans saying, "We are sorry to inform you that Mortal Kombat: Onslaught will close its operations in October. It has been an honour creating this game for our Kommunity, and we appreciate the enthusiasm from our fans."

For more details, check out the original article.

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught – The Rise and Fall

Mortal Kombat: Onslaught, the mobile lovechild of the iconic fighting series, has bit the dust. And let's be real, it couldn't come at a worse time. The developer, NetherRealm, yanked the plug just days after a massive layoff that saw their entire mobile team sent packing. Brutal, huh?

From Hype to Hush

You know, when this character-collecting RPG was announced back in October 2022, it brought a lot of buzz along with it. Fast forward one year, and it hit our screens with promises of a mobile-exclusive story and epic ten-fighter real-time battles. Sounds wicked cool, right?

Why the Sudden End?

Nine months into its release, come October, it's game over for Onslaught. The announcement came straight from the source on Twitter/X, where NetherRealm expressed heartfelt regrets and a fond farewell to the “Kommunity.” Yep, with a K, because why the hell not?

Business or Bust?

So, what went south? The timing of the shutdown — closely following massive layoffs — raises eyebrows. Could it be that sustainability issues made it a casualty of harsh business realities? Maybe the mobile gaming scene's cutthroat competition got them. Or possibly, it just didn't catch on like they hoped. Either way, it’s a classic tale of hype meeting harsh reality.

Gamers’ Sentiments

As a gamer myself, it's a bummer to see potential fizzle into disappointment. Mobile gamers looked forward to a fresh approach to the Mortal Kombat universe, and ending it so abruptly is like a fatality move from hell 😡. It's gotta sting for the fans who were just beginning to sink their teeth into it.

What Lies Ahead?

For NetherRealm and the Mortal Kombat franchise — what's next? This could be a lesson learned, sure. But it's also a question of how they'll bounce back from this. The gaming community is buzzing, and we’re all waiting to see if they'll double down on something hotter or just keep to their roots.

Closing Thoughts

No doubt, the curtain falling on Mortal Kombat: Onslaught is a stark reminder that in the fast-moving world of gaming, even the mightiest can fall. Here's hoping the next round packs more of a punch 🎮.


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