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Get Ready for Chaotic Rides: Sega Gambles Big with Crazy Taxi Reboot

Sega's new Crazy Taxi is taking the open-world and massively multiplayer route, even if that sounds like someone took a wrong turn somewhere (Via:

Image via: - Sega's new Crazy Taxi is taking the open-world and massively multiplayer route, even if that sounds like someone took a wrong turn somewhere

Sega's Crazy Taxi Reboot: Open-World, Massively Multiplayer Fun

Exciting New Direction for a Classic Arcade Game

Sega is poised to revolutionize the beloved classic Crazy Taxi by making it open-world and massively multiplayer.

A Nostalgic Arcade Game Goes Modern

When most people think of Crazy Taxi, they likely recall the classic arcade experience that was as exciting as it was unpredictable. The game, which hasn’t had a significant non-mobile update in 17 years, is now gearing up for a major overhaul. This reboot aims to leapfrog over current trends and dive straight into an expansive open-world and multiplayer format.

Insights from the Creator

In an interview shared on Sega’s Japanese YouTube channel, series producer Kenji Kanno revealed some intriguing details about the upcoming game. The reboot promises to be a “completely new” Crazy Taxi where numerous players can interact simultaneously. While specifics are still under wraps, Kanno emphasized the game's goal to blend classic Crazy Taxi antics with fresh, innovative mechanics.

Dynamic Environments

The new Crazy Taxi will feature a variety of settings, including a realistic cityscape, a theme park-inspired area, and a location reminiscent of the U.S. West Coast. These diverse maps aim to offer players a rich and engaging environment to explore and enjoy.

Current Development Status

Although the multiplayer aspect is still in the testing phase, the excitement is palpable. Fans are eagerly awaiting more details as the development progresses.

For more information, check out the original article.

The Exciting Crazy Taxi Reboot: Open-World Madness

The Exciting Crazy Taxi Reboot: Open-World Madness

Sega recently dropped the bomb that it’s revamping its classic Crazy Taxi series, making it both open-world and massively multiplayer. For a game that's been around for ages, it's a total game-changer.

Crazy Taxi's Leap into the Open-World Era

When I think of Crazy Taxi, the nostalgia hits hard—those random moments dropping quarters into an arcade machine, trying (and failing) to master the game’s frantic pace. Now, Sega’s decision to move the series into an open-world setting feels like a leap off a skyscraper ramp. We're talking GTA vibes but with an even zanier twist!

Massively Multiplayer: The New Craze

The real kicker here is the decision to make the game massively multiplayer. Let's face it, multiplayer is the spice of gaming life today. From Fortnite to Among Us, if you're not sharing the chaos with a bunch of friends or randoms, are you even gaming? Sega’s initiative to test multiplayer features in Crazy Taxi is a clear pitch to this trend, and it could be what revives the franchise.

Preserving the Classic Hijinks

Series producer Kenji Kanno emphasized retaining the classic Crazy Taxi chaos, while introducing fresh mechanics. Imagine zipping through a hyper-realistic city or getting lost in a theme park-inspired map—all while doing what Crazy Taxi does best: insane, high-octane driving!

The Future Looks Wild

With areas inspired by the US' West Coast, the possibilities seem endless. Imagine cruising down a virtual rendition of the Pacific Coast Highway, skimming cliffs and providing heart-pumping rides for virtual passengers.

Thoughts and Expectations

Is Sega’s open-world, massively multiplayer move genius or just plain crazy? Honestly, maybe a bit of both. I’ve got high hopes though. It’s a gutsy project, and if done right, it could pave the way for a new era of gaming nostalgia mixed with modern-day chaos.


This isn't just a reboot; it’s a reimagination. If Sega can balance the classic elements we love with innovative multiplayer features, Crazy Taxi could once again be the talk of the arcade—or rather, the talk of every gaming session.

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