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From Woes to Wows: Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree's Epic Comeback

After mixed early Steam reviews, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree has scythed back up to "mostly positive" (Via:

Image via: - After mixed early Steam reviews, Elden Ring Shadow of the Erdtree has scythed back up to "mostly positive"

Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC Redemption

Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC initially faced some harsh criticism on Steam due to its challenging difficulty and performance issues, leading to many negative reviews from PC gamers. However, things seem to be looking up as the DLC's rating has improved to the "Mostly Positive" mark.

Challenges and Fixes

For those who missed the initial uproar, the FromSoft community was divided over whether the DLC's difficulty was excessively harsh. Complaints about frame rate issues didn’t help either, leaving many undecided on whether to praise or criticize the content.

Thankfully, a patch was released to ease some of these difficulties, addressing the most significant player concerns and smoothing out performance hiccups. This has helped shift perceptions positively.

Positive Turnaround

According to GamesRadar, the expansion's rating is back up with more than 70% positive reviews on Steam, indicating a better reception from the community as the tweaks make their mark.

For more details, check out the original article.

Robbie's Take

Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree - A Commentary

Elden Ring's Shadow of the Erdtree DLC: Journey from Mixed Reviews to Positive Acclaim

The Shadow of the Erdtree DLC for Elden Ring faced a rocky start on Steam. Users criticized its high difficulty and noted some performance issues, which initially earned it a mixed reception. This changed the landscape for a game known for its blend of challenge and artistry.

Initial Community Reception

When the DLC dropped, the FromSoft community had mixed feelings. Players who are no strangers to tough gameplay questioned if Shadow of the Erdtree had taken it a step too far. The debate was intense, and combined with frame rate issues, it drew a lot of skepticism. Check out what VG247 had to say about it.

Developers' Response

Fortunately, FromSoftware listened and a patch was released to dial down the difficulty in the first half of the DLC. This move was critical in turning things around. Players coming back to the game noticed the improvements, which also included fixes for performance hitches. The community appreciated these steps, and the game's ratings started improving.

Positive Turnaround

It's interesting to see how quickly things can change. A game that was once precariously balanced on the edge of "mixed" reviews has now climbed back to the "mostly positive" territory on Steam. FromSoftware's quick actions to address player concerns proved effective. Not only that, but this also highlighted the importance of listening to your community. Gamers are vocal and discerning; balancing their needs while staying true to the game’s concept is crucial. For more details, GamesRadar provides a deep dive on this turnaround.

What This Means for Future DLCs

The trajectory of Shadow of the Erdtree serves as a vital lesson for future DLC releases—not just for FromSoftware, but for all game developers. Initial metrics can be daunting, but prompt and thorough updates can significantly alter a game’s fate. The community is forgiving, especially when developers show they are committed to enhancing the gaming experience. For updates and further details, you can always check the latest on the Steam Store.


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