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Embracer Unveils AI Strategy with a People-First Punch

Embracer says it will have a "human-centric approach to leveraging the potential" of AI (Via:

Image via: - Embracer says it will have a "human-centric approach to leveraging the potential" of AI

Embracer Group's Bold AI Move

With a staggering reduction of 4532 employees last financial year, Embracer Group is diving into the world of artificial intelligence to "empower" its remaining staff. This high-tech leap aims to turbocharge game development by amping up resource efficiency.

The Competitive Edge

In their latest annual report (shoutout to PC Gamer for spotting it), Tomas Hedman, head of privacy and AI governance at Embracer, emphasized that skipping AI would be a risky game. Not adopting AI could leave them trailing behind industry rivals.

"Certainly, one of the major risks for a company is not to use AI, as this would mean a competitive disadvantage vis-à-vis other industry players," Hedman said. "Most companies will move forward on AI integration in different ways. For us, it is the way that we do this that is the most critical element."

For the full scoop, check out the original article on Eurogamer.

GamerGurl's Impressions

Embracer Group’s AI Ambition: A Double-Edged Sword?

The Embracer Group has made some bold moves in the world of game development. In the past year, they've reduced their headcount by 4532 employees. That's a lot of talented folks looking for new gigs! Now, they're turning to artificial intelligence (AI) to "empower" their remaining staff. But do they mean it?

The Promise of AI: Efficiency Booster or Job Stealer?

According to their latest annual report, AI could "massively enhance game development by increasing resource efficiency". Sounds like magic, right? But hold on! Is this the stuff of dreams or a nightmare for the workforce?

Embracer's privacy and AI governance head, Tomas Hedman, says it would be risky not to use AI. He argues that it would put the company at a "competitive disadvantage" compared to other industry players.

The Critical Element: How to Implement AI?

Hedman also points out that every company will integrate AI differently. For Embracer, the key is in how they do it. This means they need to be smart, careful, and maybe even a bit sneaky about it.

Will they treat their staff fairly? Or will AI become the latest excuse to cut more jobs? The rhetoric is all about "empowerment," but actions speak louder than words.

If you want to dive deeper into the drama, you can catch more details on PC Gamer.

Our Take: Watch This Space

AI in gaming can be a game-changer, but it’s a slippery slope. Transparency is crucial. If Embracer truly wants to empower their staff, they'll need to back up their words with actions.

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