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Discover the Heart and Soul of The First Descendant's Endgame

The First Descendant's endgame won't be about “meaningless DPS" or "piling on specs" (Via:

Image via: - The First Descendant's endgame won't be about “meaningless DPS" or "piling on specs"

Live Service Games and The First Descendant

Live service games like The First Descendant often struggle with what has been humorously termed "numbers-itis." This is where games get bogged down by excessive and monotonous math, detracting from the essential fun.

Combat and Strategy in The First Descendant

The First Descendant, a Warframe-esque co-op looter shooter scheduled for release soon, aims to avoid this pitfall. Developer NEXON Games shared insights into how they plan to keep the endgame engaging by encouraging diverse combat strategies rather than focusing solely on raw progression stats.

To explore their approach in detail, check out the original article.

Elena's Reflections

Understanding the Emotional Impact of Live Service Games

Live service games like The First Descendant are designed to captivate players for the long haul. They promise continuous engagement with fresh content and updates. However, these games can sometimes fail due to what many call "numbers-itis," where the focus on stats detracts from the genuine enjoyment of gameplay. This phenomenon is especially apparent in co-op looter shooters and similar genres.

The Struggle Against "Numbers-itis"

"Numbers-itis" is a term that aptly describes a problem many live service games face. The focus shifts to maximizing Damage Per Second (DPS) or stacking traits, losing sight of what makes these games fun. When gameplay revolves around statistics rather than skill or strategy, the experience can feel monotonous and uninspired.

Games like Warframe and the upcoming The First Descendant, made by NEXON, are addressing this issue head-on. In an interview, NEXON discussed their strategy for keeping gameplay exciting by encouraging diverse combat techniques over flat progression.

Strategies to Combat Stagnation

The idea here is simple: let players experiment. Instead of just grinding for higher DPS, players should be motivated to try different combat styles and strategies. This approach not only keeps the game challenging but also makes it more rewarding to play. Games that can successfully implement such systems often see higher player retention and a more vibrant community.

Think about how games like Destiny 2 have cultivated their player base. They frequently introduce new mechanics or entirely new ways to approach a fight. It's not just about the numbers on your screen but how you use them to overcome the challenges thrown at you.

The Future of Live Service Games

The future looks promising for live service games if developers can move away from a "numbers" focus. Titles like The First Descendant are setting examples by making gameplay feel dynamic and exciting. They promise not just new content but new ways to enjoy that content.

It'll be interesting to see how other games will adopt these strategies. With players seeking more engaging experiences, the demand is clear. It's not just about how powerful you are, but how you play the game. This shift in focus could lead to more passionate and dedicated player communities, ultimately making the gaming world a better place for everyone.

To get deeper into the discussion on the philosophy behind The First Descendant's development and how it plans to keep players engaged, you can read more here.

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