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Did You Know Cyberpunk 2077 Had European Manhole Covers? Wait Till You Hear About the Sequel!

Cyberpunk 2077's manhole covers were too European, so CD Projekt Red is hoping the sequel will be more believably American (Via:

Image via: - Cyberpunk 2077's manhole covers were too European, so CD Projekt Red is hoping the sequel will be more believably American

Cyberpunk 2077 Sequel Aims to Capture Authentic American Flavor

Cyberpunk 2077 is set in California, yet something felt a bit off, leading CD Projekt to ensure the sequel feels more authentically American.

A Futuristic Los Angeles with European Quirks

Even though Cyberpunk 2077 appears very American, it's set in a futuristic version of Los Angeles. However, it was developed by CD Projekt in Wrocław, Poland. This led to some details, unnoticed by many Americans, standing out as peculiar. Acting executive producer Dan Hernberg emphasized that Cyberpunk is "a uniquely American story" and insists the sequel needs to reflect that more accurately.

European Manholes and 'The Americana'

Associate game director Paweł Sasko shared an amusing anecdote from Reddit about a player noticing immersion-breaking European manholes in the game. These minor details extend to fire hydrant placements, street light positions, and even trash bins, all of which differ from American norms. Sasko mentions these nuances collectively as "the Americana" that they aim to nail in the sequel.

Capturing the True Essence of America

For the Cyberpunk 2077 sequel, CD Projekt is focused on getting every detail right to make the American setting feel truly authentic. This involves a meticulous look at everyday elements to ensure they align with American standards and cultural expectations.

For more details, check out the original article.

Cyberpunk 2077: A European Take on an American Setting

So, Cyberpunk 2077 is in the spotlight again, and this time for a super intriguing reason. Turns out, even though the game is set in a futuristic version of Los Angeles, it has a bit of a European flavor because the devs hail from Wrocław, Poland. And to be honest, this makes complete sense when you think about it.

Recognizing Subtle Differences

The game definitely has that American glitz and glam, but CD Projekt’s European roots have quietly seeped in. I mean, how could they not? Like Dan Hernberg mentioned on the AnsweRED podcast, Cyberpunk's story is dripping with "punk energy," and the tabletop game it’s based on was totally American. So it should look and feel American, right?

Manholes and Fire Hydrants: The Devil's in the Details

Well, not quite. According to associate game director Paweł Sasko, some seemingly tiny details, like the style of manhole covers and the placement of trash bins, ended up giving away the game's Polish development roots. I can't help but chuckle a bit at this. Who knew manhole covers could be so revealing? 😆

The Importance of Authenticity

This issue reminds me of how critical details are in creating an authentic game world. When you are playing a game that's supposed to be an accurate reflection of a real-world place, those little elements matter. It's like how fire hydrants are always a deep yellow and trash bins stand sentinel at the curb in American suburbia.

CD Projekt's Learning Curve

These "oops" moments have even made their way into fan discussions on Reddit. Which is kinda cool! It shows how invested the community is in the authenticity of the game world. The developers at CD Projekt seem to be all ears too, aiming to make the sequel more believably American. Honestly, that level of attention to detail gets a thumbs up from me. 👍

Looking to the Sequel: What Changes Could We See?

Now that CD Projekt is hyper-aware of these subtleties, I'm excited to see what they'll change in the sequel. Will they nail the American feel and vibe? Will they get the fire hydrants and manholes right this time around? 🤔 I mean, they already have a pretty firm grip on creating jaw-dropping, immersive worlds—all they need are a few tweaks.

Building a More Authentic World

It's pretty wild to think about the lengths developers go to ensure authenticity. Cyberpunk 2077 might have missed some marks, but that’s what sequels are for, right? CD Projekt is taking all this feedback on board, and that can only mean awesome things for us players.

Final Thoughts: The Road Ahead

All in all, I'm stoked to see what changes are coming in the sequel. If they can blend their exceptional storytelling with spot-on American details, Cyberpunk 2077 could be a masterpiece. And hey, if they need any tips on American trash bins, I'm here for it! 🗑️

In the meantime, if you haven’t checked it out yet, you can read more on this topic here.

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