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Can't Stop the Hype: New Resident Evil Game in the Works with Resi 7 Genius Leading the Charge

New Resident Evil game confirmed, with the director of Resi 7 at the helm (Via:

Image via: - New Resident Evil game confirmed, with the director of Resi 7 at the helm

New Resident Evil Game Confirmed by RE7 Director Koshi Nakanishi

Capcom has sent fans into a frenzy with the revelation that a new Resident Evil game is in development, thanks to a comment from Resident Evil 7 director, Koshi Nakanishi. 🧟‍♂️

Breaking the News

Yesterday, Capcom dropped a bombshell alongside a series of announcements involving game demos and release dates. Among the cascade of updates was a juicy tidbit from Koshi Nakanishi, who confirmed that a new installment in the Resident Evil series is on the horizon.

The Future of Resident Evil

While the existence of a new game in the popular franchise isn’t exactly a shocker, it’s a welcome confirmation. According to Nakanishi, “It was really difficult to figure out what to do after [Resident Evil] 7,” but he believes he’s found the perfect direction. He hinted that the upcoming game feels “substantial.”

What's Next?

Resident Evil fans are undeniably thrilled about this announcement. With Nakanishi at the helm, expectations are soaring for what’s next in the survival horror saga. Stay tuned for more updates as the development progresses!

Capcom Strikes Again: A New Resident Evil on the Horizon

Yesterday, Capcom dropped some news that hit us like a zombie puking up bile. In the midst of all the juicy demos and release dates, a particularly interesting tidbit came from Resident Evil 7 director, Koshi Nakanishi. Yep, it's official: a new Resident Evil game is in the works! Honestly, this isn't exactly earth-shattering news – big franchises gonna franchise – but it's still something to get excited about. Nakanishi teased us with a hint that figuring out what to do after Resident Evil 7 was tough, but what they've cooked up feels “substantial.” That’s a loaded word, right? 🧟‍♂️

Resident Evil: A Franchise That Never Dies

If one thing is certain, it’s that the Resident Evil franchise has been a constant in the gaming world, reshaping horror gaming as we know it. It’s like Michael Myers – every time you think he's done, he pops back up. Coming from the early pixelated days to the photorealistic horrors of recent titles, Capcom continues to evolve and innovate. The anticipation for the new Resident Evil game is palpable, and for good reason. After all, Resident Evil 7 was a game-changer, reintroducing survival horror elements that players didn't even know they craved.

What Could Be Next for the Series?

So, what's next for Resident Evil? Nakanishi's hint of a "substantial" upcoming game leaves a lot to the imagination. Could we be looking at a return to classic survival horror, or will the new installment lean into the action-packed routes of games like Resident Evil 4? Whatever the case, Capcom tends to walk a fine and deliciously terrifying line. My guess? They might blend the best of both worlds, giving us intense action sequences wrapped in the spooky atmosphere fans love.

Community Expectations and Speculations

When it comes to the Resident Evil community, expectations are higher than ever. Fans are already speculating about the storyline, characters, and setting. Will we see more of Ethan Winters? Maybe a new protagonist stepping into the fray? What about the spooky locales – another haunted village, perhaps? While we wait on bated breath, it's the perfect time to catch up or revisit some of the recent releases and demos Capcom has graciously vomited out recently.

Capcom Keeps Us Guessing

One thing's for sure – Capcom knows how to keep us on our toes. It’s been a wild ride, full of biohazards, mutants, and more “oh shit” moments than I can count. So, here’s to eagerly awaiting more details about the next Resident Evil game, clutching my controller just a little tighter, and bracing myself for whatever twisted surprises Nakanishi and his team have in store. Game on! 🎮

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