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Bringin' Knockout City Back? Velan Studios Ain't Given Up Yet

Velan Studios still "loves Knockout City as much as you do", hopes "to bring it back" one day (Via:

Image via: - Velan Studios still "loves Knockout City as much as you do", hopes "to bring it back" one day

Knockout City Could Make a Comeback Despite Studio Shuttering

Velan Studios may have shut down its beloved competitive "dodgebrawl" game, Knockout City, but the developers aren't ready to say goodbye forever.

Velan Studios’ New Ventures

In a recent update, Velan Studios founders Karthik and Guha Bala unveiled two new projects: Midnight Murder Club and Bounce Arcade. Midnight Murder Club blends hide-and-seek with shooter mechanics for a thrilling playground experience, while Bounce Arcade is a fresh take on VR pinball.

The Love for Knockout City

Despite the focus on new ventures, the Bala brothers reassured fans that Knockout City still holds a special place in their hearts. They acknowledged the disappointment of fans waiting for its return but hinted that the game might come back in the future.

If you’re yearning to revisit the dodgebrawl action, you’re not alone—Velan Studios feels the same way. Could Knockout City rise from the ashes? Fingers crossed!

For more details, check out the original article.

Is "Knockout City" Set to Make a Comeback? What Velan Studios’ Latest Moves Mean for the Game

Ever found yourself absolutely hooked on a game, only for the developers to pull the plug? Well, that’s kinda the story with Velan Studios’ Knockout City. RIP. But don’t toss that dodgeball yet. It's like missing that last shot in a crucial game – frustrating, right? But there’s good stuff on the horizon.

What We’re Dealing With

Knockout City, the "dodgebrawl" game that had us all aiming for those perfect throws, was shut down a year ago. News flash, people: Velan Studios still loves its brainchild and isn't over it. The developers hinted at a possible return, and if that doesn’t get your gamer heart racing, I don’t know what will.

Midnight Murder Club: The New Kid on the Block

While Knockout City fans are left biting their nails, Velan Studios isn't sitting idle. They’ve got a brand new game, Midnight Murder Club. It’s been described as a wild mix of hide-and-seek and shooter gameplay. Think of it as a dark-themed playground that might just satisfy your adrenaline cravings. The Balas seem pretty amped about it, and who are we to argue?

VR Pinball Game: The Unexpected Twist

And wait for it – there’s more. A VR pinball game called Bounce Arcade is also in the works. If you’re thinking, "WTF?", you’re not alone. But hey, if it's anything like their previous projects, it’s bound to be worth a go. Could this be a game-changer in the VR space? Only time will tell.

Knockout City: The Unfading Love

The Bala brothers, founders of Velan Studios, stressed that they still have lots of love for Knockout City and want to see it make a grand comeback. This isn’t a wishful thinking episode. Nope. The game’s getting a private server version. Okay, so it’s not a full-fledged return, but it’s something. Check out their official statement here.

Fair Play or Foul Ball?

Honestly, this whole shindig has me thinking. Velan's dedication to both creating new games and keeping the old flames alive speaks volumes. It’s like they’re saying, “Hold up, we got more in store!” Small moves, big heart. Velan Studios just might be onto something major here. What do you think?

Still Reading? Let’s Get Interactive! 🌟

If you’re still here, props to you. What are your thoughts on all this? Excited about the potential return of Knockout City? Or more curious about their new releases? Drop your thoughts and let’s get a convo going!

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