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2400 A.D.

Role-playing (RPG)

Release Dates:

Average Rating:


Origin Systems

December 31, 1988, December 31, 1987

DOS, Apple II



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Bugs and Glitches: Some players have reported bugs that can disrupt the 2400 A.D. experience.

High Difficulty: The steep difficulty curve in 2400 A.D. can be daunting for new players.

Requires Patience: The game’s pacing might be slow for those who prefer fast-paced Role-playing (RPG) games.

Why To Avoid

Community Driven: The game has a strong community, which enhances the multiplayer experience.

Beautiful World: Explore the stunning world of 2400 A.D., a visual treat for fans of Role-playing (RPG).

Compelling Storyline: The narrative in 2400 A.D. is deeply engaging, making it a must-play for Role-playing (RPG) fans.

Why To Play

2400 A.D. is a futuristic RPG game. The game was developed by Origin systems and is based on Ultima 4 engine. The story takes place in the city called Metropolis. The city has been conquered by an alien race known as Tzorg. You have to find the underground resistance and join the battle against the Tzorg.



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